'Samhon' Eom Yong-su, wife of Beautiful lookers, first publicized..."Turn over all economic rights" (no.1)

On JTBC's "no.1 Can't Be" (hereinafter referred to as "no.1") broadcast on the 11th, the Comedian Im misuk Kim Hak-rae and his wife were invited by Comedian Eom Yong-su to visit his newlyweds' house. Eom Yong-su was living in Korea with the third marriage ceremony in the United States and Lee Kyung-ok, a Korean-American, after two divorces. "I saw the one-time marriage society of Eom Yong-su, Friend with me for 40 years. I am so glad to hear the good news this time," said Kim Hak-rae.
Im misuk Kim Hak-rae presented them with a couple of pajamas. Kim Hak-rae said, "Do not you need a sleeping suit? ", and Eom Yong-su replied, "I do not think I need it for the time being." In the newlyweds' house, the paintings presented by singer Cho Young-nam and the flowers presented by actor Yoo Dong-geun were noticed. In the pottery on the bedroom, Kim Hak-rae said, "It's all going to the event and I can not get it with money and I got it as a thing."
Kim Hak-rae has stepped up to support Eom Yong-su, saying of Eom Yong-su: "People are good and sincere. And I have been responsible and charismatic for 20 years as a Comedian president and a comedy association union branch manager. " In fact, Eom Yong-su, known as the usual owner, was surprised to find that he had cut off a word from his wife to stop drinking.
When Im misuk asked, "How did you meet?" His wife Lee Kyung-ok said, "I was comforted by his humor when I saw Eom Yong-su on the TV program at a time when I was in a difficult time after I was widowed by Husband. "I was laughing while driving because the word 'Do not try to afford the twilight divorce' was funny," he said. "In the meantime, Friend appeared in a program like Eom Yong-su at university and received a number. I made a phone call and then I got marriage. "
"My wife gave me a chance to propose first, so I knelt down," said Eom Yong-su, who called internationally for two hours to speak to him. "I saw the naked hair and showed the scars that left the wrong side of the bowels. I wanted to reveal everything." Korea is also planning to raise the marriage ceremony.
Eom Yong-su, who also found sleep apnea and arrhythmia thanks to his wife, laughed at all the 'no.1' panels with a happy look. Im misuk and Kim Hak-rae revealed that "there was no one among the Comedians who borrowed money from Eom Yong-su" in Eom Yong-su, who had passed the economic rights.
"no.1" airs every Sunday at 10 p.m.
Photo = JTBC 'no.1 can't be' capture screen