Park Joo-ho "Anna, if you divorce even if you propose with Wedding ceremony, it's nothing..." (Video Star')

In Video Star', Park talked about his wife Anna from Switzerland.
On the cable channel MBC Everlon Video Star' broadcasted on the afternoon of the 20th, 'Am I shaking now?' An unexpected cowardly feature was drawn. Talent Jung Jun-ha, soccer player Park Joo-ho, actor Choi Hyun-ho, comedian Seo Tae-hoon and others appeared as guests.
On this day, Park Joo-ho confessed that he could not propose to his wife Anna.
"Anna is very realistic," he said. "In fact, my wife said she did not need Wedding ceremony ceremony. "It is the best thing if we make a family and live well." "If you get married, it is nothing if you divorce. If you propose, it is nothing if you divorce. It is important to live well until the end."
Park Joo-ho said, "At first, I thought it was just words, and I tried, but I felt that the idea was real while I was together."
He said to Anna, "Thank you for supporting me and thank you for raising my children beautifully. I love you."