Fortunately, the Covid19 Infection incident, which could have been a domino Infection, seems to have been well completed. Kingdom, Aleksa and LIGHTSUM are all able to sigh with the final voice judgment. However, as the recent spread of Covid19 is accelerating, I can not be relieved yet.
On the 8th, it was heard that one of the makeup staff of the new group LIGHTSUM (ivory, grassland, nayoung, hina, juhyun, oil well, wheyon, and gian) was judged to be a Covid19 tested positive. LIGHTSUM canceled all scheduled schedules and received a preemptive Covid19 Inspection, and its agency Cube Entertainment said, "We will do Self-Quarantine at home for a while until the health authorities take further action."
However, LIGHTSUM has appeared in various music broadcasts until recently, and there were artists who overlapped with each other. In the aftermath, Kingdom (Dan, Ivan, Arthur, Jahan, Mujin, Chiu, Louis) and Aleksa were given the Covid19 Inspection and then entered Self-Quarantine.
In other words, domino Infection, which occurs in succession, may be a concern. Even the number of new tested positives in Covid19 has recently reached the highest level ever, and concerns have doubled as the fourth pandemic is showing signs of full-scale. Fortunately, however, the additional tested positive did not occur, reassuring the fans.
First, Kingdom agency GF Entertainment said on September 9, "Kingdom members and staff were judged by voice. As a result, we plan to digest the scheduled schedule in the future, "and Aleksa also announced that" Aleksa was diagnosed as negative "not long after. "All 16 people, including managers, staff and dancers, were diagnosed with Covid19 voice," he added. Cube Entertainment also said that all the staff members including LIGHTSUM members were judged negatively on the afternoon.
But we can’t be relieved already, because the number of new tested positives in Covid19 has been increasing rapidly in recent years, especially in the broadcasting industry. KBS Lee Kun-joon, director of the drama center, recently responded to the Covid19 voice, and is currently in Self-Quarantine. In the KBS1 daily drama 'Daming Dreams', a child actor was tested positive and the filming was immediately stopped. As a result, 'dreaming to deceive' decided to defeat the broadcast from 19th to 23rd.
The same is true for Netflix. One of the drama 'Surinam' staff was judged to be tested positive, and the scheduled shooting was stopped. In the case of 'Paper House', one actor temporarily stopped shooting as the tested positive and the line overlapped.
Even CJ ENM canceled the schedule of the production of the TVN new entertainment program 'Surplus', which was scheduled for July 7, on the fact that Kim Hee-sun recently contacted Jae Yeon, who showed positive reaction.
As such, the spread of Covid19 is accelerating again, and the music industry as well as the broadcasting industry can not worry about it. Recently, the opening of 'Black Widow' and 'Restriction of Outgoing' has revitalized the theater and the 4th stage of setting up the social distance only ITZY has been implemented since the 12th. In the prolonged Covid19 fandemic situation, the sighs of the officials are getting longer.