Kim Soo-yong, Vacine 1st Inoculation completes... "Squeak like Flu injections, Dark Circle deepening."

Comedian Kim Soo-yong reported on the late Corona’s 19 Vacine Inoculation.
Kim Soo-yong told his Instagram on the 26th, "# CoronaVacine # Pfizer 1st Vacine Inoculation completed. It is similar to when Flu injections are hit. There is no side effect fever and Dark Circle is thickened. "
Kim Soo-yong in the public photo is wearing a mask and looking somewhere. The mask worn by Kim Soo-yong is 'Vaccine Inoculation First Completion', which attracts attention. Along with this, Kim Soo-yong's dark Dark Circle catches the eye.
The netizens who responded to this responded such as "Take good care and work hard", "Prepare medicine" and "Did you make smokey makeup?"