On Sunday, Hyun-kyung Uhm wrote on his Instagram account: "With the first of mbc #second Husband! Who's the second Husband? In fact, there are two Husbands that do not exist. "
The photo shows mbc's new daily Drama 'The second Husband' shooting scene. Hyon-kyong Um poses with One more hero, the first Husband in the play. His second Husband, who revealed his identity only slightly in silhouette, was known as Tea in the garden.
On the other hand, Hyun-kyung Uhm played the role of "Bong Sun Hwa", who gave birth to a child after a long love affair with the first Husband Moon Sang Hyuk (One more hero) in the second Husband, which will be broadcasted on August 9th, but who will be charged with murder due to his betrayal.