On August 23, Magazine Singles released a picture of Pilgriimage bacteria, Park Kang-hyun and Xiumin, who played Orpheus in the musical 'Hadestown', which will show the world's first Korean license performance on August 24th. musical 'Hadestown' is a modern reinterpretation of the story of Orpheus and Hades in the Greek Rome Shinhwa. In the first three months of Broadway in 2019, he won the Tony Award and the Grammy Awards Best musical Album Award.
The first performance of musical 'Hadestown', which adds a new story of Grece Rome Shinhwa to the complete music, came to the fore. Pilgrim bacteria, Park Kang-hyun, and Xiumin, who played Korea's first Orpheus, gathered their mouths and expressed their expectations for the work. Park Kang-hyun, who "contemporaryly interpreted Shinhwa and built it into an interesting story", Xiumin, "You can enjoy the work more abundantly if you concentrate on each character's acting", "I was attracted to the fact that Orpheus' song used a sound that I have never heard before" felt like I was preparing for my first performance in the words of Pilgrim bacteria. In particular, Pilgrim image bacteria, who is in charge of the eldest position of the three, said, "Orpheus together know the feelings of each other. So we watch hard and give strength. We are really willing to do it among ourselves. "
Meanwhile, musical 'Hadestown' will open at LG Arts Center on August 24th.