Baby V.O.X singer Kan Mi-youn has released a friendly two-shot with Yoon Eun-hye.
Kan Mi-youn posted a picture on the 17th instagram with an article entitled "Today is broadcast ~".
"I was happy to meet you, Andy thanks to my best friends, Shinhwa brothers Andy my sister, I was able to shoot ~ ~ ~ ~ comfortable Andy funny," jtbc Knowing Bros' said.
Kan Mi-youn said, "I'd like to know why I did that after the premiere. It's Hahaha entertainment. Just relax."
He concluded, "#Men on a Mission #Baby V.O.X #Shinhwa #2000 # Let's leave # # I have a food pocket on my cheek."
jtbc Knowing Bros', which is broadcasted on the 17th, is a first-generation idol special feature, Baby V.O.X Kan Mi-youn, Yoon Eun-hye, Jun Jin Andy Andy of Shinhwa appear as transfer students Andy give a big smile like 'Aided Arts Stone'.
Kang Ho-dong's first-generation entertainment stone Kan Mi-youn, Yoon Eun-hye, Jun Jin, Andy Andy's performances can be found at Knowing Bros, which is broadcasted at 9 pm on the 17th.