"Politicians, Should Be Awakened" "Ulleungdo The Godfather" Yi Jang-hui, Cannabis Incidental Words Talk Scale also "beautiful" (All The Butlers)

While Master Yi Jang-hui mentioned his Cannabis case, which could be sensitive in All The Butlers, Jung Eun-woo and Shin Sung-rok foreshadowed the departure.
Master Yi Jang-hui appeared in SBS entertainment All The Butlers, which aired on the 13th.
On this day, I was able to meet the master Yi Jang-hui, moving to the place called 'Ulleung Airport Heaven'. Lee Seung-gi admired what was really here, and couldn’t say, because there was a pond and an egrets in his private home, and he was in the front yard of his house, to the watershed below the rocks. They were all surprised to hear that “Personal watershed is heavenly heaven.” They found an outdoor performance hall in their private front yard, where they could enjoy music with the sky, wind, and the sea.
Yi Jang-hui said, "This is my heaven, which is my favorite place from a long time ago." He said that the legal private land, the total number of collectors, was 3,000 pyeong, and Lee Seung-gi was surprised that " “It’s all a dream of all of us, and you’re writing this pond alone,” said Jung Eun-woo, who admired the idea as “the richest man ever.”
Yi Jang-hui recalled, "I first looked around in 1996, retired in 2004, and then I grew up in the Ulleung Airport Heaven." "At first I farmed." “The spring water came out under the flagpole, and the pond that went directly to the spring water under the flagpole.” It was the Ulleung Airport Heaven that had been gone for 25 years.
The members said, "I was born with this house for the first time, I can not follow it." He also said that he bought an excavator and cultivated it himself. At this time, the egrets flew to the sky. The members added, "It is the first time that the egrets are raised at home, as nature has created."
Above all, Yi Jang-hui, who was a singer in Korea in the 1970s, said, "There was a little bit of a bad thing in the past, it is a Cannabis case that is a bad thing." “It’s exactly December 2, 75, and if you’re a politician, you have to stop it, even to raise the alarm,” said Yi Jang-hui, who said, “I’m going to the United States of America.”
Yi Jang-hui said, "There were Friends who I always met when I came to Korea because of the work in United States of America, and I made rocks with the sign of Friends." He revealed the monuments from Kim Jung-man to Yoon Hyung-joo, Song Chang-sik, Kim Se-hwan and Cho Young-nam. I feel like I am with Friends who have been in the 50th year.
He also released a photo with George Bush, the 41st United States of America President, who was the first Korean radio founder. Yi Jang-hui recalled, "I broadcast it then, but the LA Black riot occurred, and the whole country became illegal, and it was a case that turned into a riot in a protest."
He was surprised to see a photo of the studio taken together with the White House, saying, "The purpose of the visit of President United States of America is to ask for a word for listeners."
Above all, Shin Sung-rok and Jung Eun-woo were blinded by the time they spent with All The Butlers while singing "When I was sixty and one". Shin Sung-rok said in his opening remarks, "Only our members, All The Butlers, are the only members who love it then." He predicted his last graduation trip.
Yi Jang-hui said, "Good Friend, good Friend and good time together is the best thing." "It is the most successful life if you meet each other in life, and only those who cherish this is precious, do not forget, and always have a relationship with a precious Friend."
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