Kim Sang-hyuk and his ex-wife Song Dae-ye are engaged in an untimely war of words after the divorce.
On June 24, Kim Sang-hyuk explained through his Instagram story that he had never said "anyone was wrong, and he just wanted to not say it" regarding his ex-wife Song Dae-ye and the reason for the divorce.
Kim Sang-hyuk appeared on the YouTube entertainment 'Adong New Party' on June 23, the day before, and talked about marriage luck. In addition, Kim Sang-hyuk's ex-wife, Song Da-ye, was mentioned; the two were crushed last year after a year of marriage. Kim Sang-hyuk said through 'Adong New Party', "I will talk about personal pardons, but there are many things I am talking about because of my opponent. I do not want to say that Friend does not say anything, "he said." I do not want to swear at Friend. I would like to think that my Choices' fault, that Friend Choices' fault, "he said.
However, when the contents were published, Song Dae-ye said through his instagram, "I think I want to be an issue. "He posted a sniper on Kim Sang-hyuk, along with a capture of folders such as recording files, messenger conversations, and evidence videos. Song Dae-ye said, "Who is going to do it for?" He warned, "If you mention it again, I will disclose it. Let's not touch people who live well."
Kim Sang-hyuk said, "I do not want to be a person who has been broadcasting for a long time, but this question will follow like a tag," Kim Sang-hyuk said. "I do not want to be interested in issues or issues."
As Kim Sang-hyuk explains, the tag "divorce" is an endless part of the story by continuing broadcasting activities due to the nature of his job as an entertainer. Kim Sang-hyuk mentioned the diverce in SBS Plus 'Kang Ho-dong's rice' in March including 'Adong New Party'. In addition, the process of two people being exposed to the public in a year of marriage has been exposed to a big issue, and Kim Sang-hyuk's remarks have been attracting attention.
However, Song Dae-ye is not a broadcaster but a CEO of a shopping mall. He was known as a former Ulchan, but he is actually a non-entertainer. As a result, if Kim Sang-hyuk's divorce issue is mentioned, it will rise to the public's cubicle and receive unintentionally attention. Kim Sang-hyuk said, "There are many things that are being done for the other party." Some of them were interpreted as meaning that there is a reason for the opponent. Kim Sang-hyuk explained that the answer to the question was "I will do it because my opponent is a non-entertainer" and "It is wrong for each other".