Kim Jung-min "Share yield rises from 35 million won to 80 million won, and it lasts and is delisting" (International)

Singer Kim Jung-min shocked everyone with the Share hurdle.
MBN 'International Couples', which was broadcast on June 25, showed a tight disagreement over Share by Kim Jung-min Sayaka Aoki.
On this day, MC Kim Won-hee confessed, "I did (Share) and I was a little bit ruined" when the story of Share came out.
Sayaka Aoki said, "If you study Share thoroughly, you can invest and it is not bad. I do not think it is a thin ear. Kim Jung-min invested tens of millions of won and forgot everything. "
Kim Jung-min said, "My acquaintance said that it was good information, so I put 35 million won. It went up to 80 million won. The yield was over 100%, but if it rose more, it was delisted until the end. "
Sayaka Aoki was shocked by repeated revelations that "that's minus 100 percent."