All The Butlers' Yi Jang-hui, Personal Pond slider Outdoor recreation Performance Hall .Ulleungdo 13,000 pyeong House Open

In the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers' broadcasted on the afternoon of the 13th, Yi Jang-hui invited the members to a large house.
On this day, Saburo appeared as "Fock Legend" Yi Jang-hui; Yi Jang-hui welcomed the members, saying, "Welcome to Ulleungdo." In front of Yi Jang-hui's house was a sign called 'Ulleung Heaven', and there was a wide natural landscape, a private front yard, and an Outdoor recreation stage.
Lee Seung-gi asked, "Isn't it legally a private property?" and Yi Jang-hui replied, "It's private: the whole place is about 13,000 pyeong." "Is not it the richest master ever?" said Chae Eun-woo, who said, "After retirement, I made a garden by farming."