The All The Butlers, which aired on the 23rd, has set up a place to cheer up the rock music juniors who have been struggling since Corona with Kim Tae-won - Park Wan-kyu (Risen) and Kim Kyung-ho as masters. At the same time as the program started, the legends who appeared in the outdoor stage with 'Rock'n Roll' and 'Lonely Night' introduced the recent situation that they have been living for more than a year and a half without performing recently.
"Just the right day to perform outdoors," they began preparing for non-face-to-face online concerts with members of All The Butlers. The legendary trio and members first met through this broadcast, but in the July broadcast last year, Lee Seung-gi's "Forbidden Love" (Kim Kyung-ho original song) indirectly connected with more than 10 million views based on YouTube views.
In particular, Kim Dong-Hyun missed the beat during the practice process and made mistakes with unstable pitches. However, with the help of masters and Lee Seung-gi, who volunteered for the 'human metronome', he was able to compensate for the lack of a little.
Yang Se-hyung, who introduced himself as "American Rocker" (?), also picked up Bon Jovi's "It's My Life," and showed nervousness by drinking stretch water. Although he was singing a song and making a sound out of it, he was able to finish the practice safely in the encouragement of Park Wan-kyu.
'Shout!' Kim Tae-won and Park Wan-kyu told as Duets ', followed by a wonderful performance by Kim Tae-won, a guitar master,' 4.1.9 Elephant Escape '. In the meantime, 'Never Ending Story', which is drawn with the touching voice of Cha Eun-woo and Kim Dong-Hyun, has increased the atmosphere.
And the backbone of this small concert, the vocalist Lee Seung-gi, who is proud of the 'leech band', followed. "I Loved You" (Kim Kwang-seok's original song), "Love of the Millennium" (Park Wan-kyu's original song), and "Forbidden Love" were enthusiastically featured by presidential hopefuls and Duets, re-recalling his appearance as a singer, not an actor and entertainer. Lee Seung-gi and Park Wan-kyu and Kim Kyung-ho, three, burned the night of May with a wonderful call for 'Separate Ways' for members and Lantern audiences who asked for an encore.
A musician who has not been able to stand on stage for a long time and is filling negative income with part-time jobs said, "It is saddened that my heart shakes every time I do so."
Kim Kyung-ho, who has been living in obscurity for a long time, said, "I do not know what comfort to say, but I will be able to overcome any trials." Kim Tae-won said, "People who are musical should be loved to have energy." "Please, Risen," he gave a small courage to juniors.
The All The Butlers presented the audience with the joy of laughter and music as an entertainment, so that there are not many people who want to release the full version of this concert. Risen 1 title and the phrase "Rock Will Never Die", which appeared as an intermediate subtitle of the broadcast, was the best fit.
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