Yoo Se-yoon, a thought-provoking Wedding anniversary during Surfing...Netizen Encouragement "Fighting"
Comedian Yoo Se-yoon faces crisis
On the 17th, Yoo Se-yoon posted a video on his Instagram with an article entitled "Sometimes Today Wedding anniversary". In the video, he is having a good time in the water with a new shortboard.
Yoo Se-yoon recently revealed that she has bought a new shortboard with her wife's past photos. In 2009, he married his wife, who was four years old, and had a son. He has shared a daily life full of laughter with special family love. While enjoying Surfing, the netizens are also laughing at the urgency of Yoo Se-yoon, who forgot the Wedding anniversary.
The netizen responded such as "Go home quickly ..", "Please be peaceful", "Fighting ... please let me know the news of survival".