Yoon Nam-ki Lee Da-eun, Real Family...completes the proposal of tears + Marriage report (End 'dolSingles abduction')

Yoon Nam-gi and Lee Da-eun completed the Marriage report and became the real Family.
The last episode of MBN 'dolSingles abduction - The Birth of Family' (hereinafter referred to as dolSingles abduction) was broadcast on the 18th.
Lee Da-eun was anxious all along after meeting Yoon Nam-gi's FriEnd, who asked Lee Da-eun, "Was it awkward for you two?"
Lee Da-eun said: "He asked me one thing carefully: 'When is marriage going to happen?' so I thought I could talk concretely after the meeting. FriEnd said that his brother said, 'Is not it a little quick?' "Yoon Nam-gi said," I did it? When did I tell you? "
Lee Da-eun added, "Man also said that there is something fresh when they get married." Yoon Nam-gi said, "Women are not even good at it.
Yoon Nam-gi and Lee Da-eun headed to 'South Darland,' where they sown up their love seven months ago. Lee Da-eun recalled the past and said, "I have to continue to think that it is a hasty time at the time." "We walked here then. I kissed him when he was walking. I was shaking. The feelings and feelings are different now. I am just so happy sitting here after a few months. "
Yoon Nam-gi was away for a while, and Lee Da-eun remained alone and waited for Yun Nam-gi, when he heard the voice of "Daeun-ah" with the video playback: Yun Nam-gi prepared a surprise proposal.
Yoon Nam-gi said, "There were more mountains to overcome in the remarriage, children, dogs, and places to live, but I was very confident and confident when I went over together. We will continue to live happier in Family. As Father, the best thing we can do to our children is to love our mother. I will try to be a good Father to Lee, I love you. "
After the video, Yoon Nam-gi appeared and presented him with a bouquet of flowers; he took out a proposal ring and put it in Lee Da-eun's hand; Lee Da-eun wept. Yoon Nam-gi confessed to Lee Da-eun, "Let's get married." Lee Da-eun smiled, saying, "Let's get along well for the rest of our lives."
Yoon Nam-gi once said, I was lying about all that talk.Why would I tell FriEnd about it?, giving Lee Da-eun a reversal. Yoon Nam-ki called FriEnd to ask for help ahead of the proposal. Yoon Nam-ki's FriEnd said, "I made it up for the event. I hope that the two of you will live happily. "
They went to the wedding planner and consulted. Then they started a wedding Dress fitting. Lee Da-eun changed into a wedding Dress and appeared, and Yoon Nam-gi smiled brightly, saying she is pretty.
The meeting was filled with laughter for a while. Yoon Nam-ki's Father said, "If you live well, it is enough." The two adults gave Lee Da-eun a warm heart, saying "our daughter-in-law" and "our son-in-law" to Yoon Nam-gi.
Yoon Nam-gi and Lee Da-eun later appeared in the studio 'dolSingles abduction'; Respite asked the two if they had a "wedding date." Yoon Nam-gi responded by saying, "I'm catching up." Yoon Nam-gi, Lee Da-eun's wedding promised that Yoo Se-yoon would host and Respite would sing the celebration.
The two people said, "I wanted to tell you here." Yoon Nam-gi said, "I could not imagine being on the air, but I am grateful that I met Dae-eun and married. I will show you how to live well in the future." Lee Da-eun also said, "I will live happily and happily in return."