The Return of Superman, Yoon Sang-hyun and Sam Brother and Sister will go to spring Namul.
kbs 2TV The Return of Superman' (hereinafter referred to as The Return of Superman'), which will be broadcast on the 25th, is decorated with the subtitle 'The Little Story'. Among them, Sanghyun Father and Sam Brother and Sister find Namul fields where you can enjoy springtime. The scene of Namul Caching, which is being held here, will give a big smile to viewers.
On this day, Sanghyun Father challenged the children to pick up the Minari and the Minari, and the Yoonsam family, who had completed the preparations for the comfortable clothes and field day chairs. The appearance of those who appear in the Namul field spleen is cute and laughs, causing curiosity.
Then, the full-scale Namul digging began, and unlike the hard-working 'Gang Dae-jang' Na-gyeom, Na-eui and Hee-sung were more interested in other things than Namul digging. In particular, Hee Sung continued to try to escape the Namul field and took a 'Namul field brake'. I wonder why Hee Sung continued to escape the Namul field.
In the meantime, the person who comes out is a paporo Namul instead of a field, and he has poured a papo without hesitation in Sanghyun Father's proposal that he gives Namul if he kisses. Nagum, who had the most Namul among Sam Brother and Sister, received Namul by kissing Jillsera Father while watching the basket of Nagum where Namul is piled up. So Sanghyun Father adds to the expectation of what happened at the exciting Namul auction site.
These families also enjoyed a lot of Namul-han Sangbang with hard-boiled cans and Minari. At this time, when Sanghyun Father brought out the story of Woojin' to the person who refused Minari rice, the person who came out changed rapidly. Woojin, who caused the Woojin effect by shaking the mind of the person who came out of the last meeting, is curious whether the Woojin effect can shine again.