Kang Daniel decorated the last Teaser of yellow with his solo Performance.
Kang Daniel released the title song "Antidote" MV Teaser video on the official SNS at 0:00 on the 12th, the second time after the 7th. If the first Teaser video predicted the overall atmosphere that transcends time and space, this time, it released some of the Performance of Antidote for the first time.
The unique Performance of the show, which is decorated with the United States, overwhelms the eye. The visual beauty was completed with the gesture that naturally melted into the rhythm based on the sky. In the short video, the pop, rock, R & B sound and Performance of Alternative R & B are exquisite balance.
The stage of the circular structure that symbolizes 'eye' is also impressive. In the Music Video of 'PARANOIA', it was a key symbol, eye contact, and implied storytelling in succession with 'Antidote'. Here, the angle that crosses the upper and lower composition makes the Performance more sensual and dramatic.
Connect Entertainment said, "The artistic elements of chaos and agony were naturally composed of Performances." "The silent sound, the unfolding dance, and the soul-filled solo of Kang Daniel will catch the attention of music fans."
yellow, the third album of the 'COLOR' series, filled with music that breaks the existing framework with the keywords of duality and reversal. Kang Daniel's evolved musicality, which is seen every new Teaser, maximizes the mystery of 'yellow'. The new album and the Music Video Antidote will be unveiled at 6 pm on the 13th.