As attention is drawn to Actor Seo Ye-ji, school violence Global issue is being buried without sound rumors.
Recently, the entertainment industry has been hot with Global issues related to Seo Ye-ji. Seo Ye-ji was caught up in the first 'pilot' of the history when the characters he shared with Actor Kim Jung-hyun were released. It has been suggested that Kim Jung-hyun has been Gaslighting, and he has been on the cube, and many male entertainers are mentioned together that he has been dating in the past.
The Personal Life controversy has spread to another suspicion. The Disclosure that Seo Ye-ji was a staff member and was a school violence attacker during school days was a series of bursts. In particular, in the case of school violence, the agency has strongly denied it, but many netizens are not suspicious because it is a suspicion that has been raised since the unfamiliar rookie days.
In addition, it was argued that the fact that he entered the Spanish University was false: Disclosure, which bursts a day later, and the suspicions were labeled as wave wave ghost stories.
In addition, his past images were reexamined, and the character of the people who were with Seo Ye-ji was reevaluated. While the public and public opinion are concentrating on Seo Ye-ji, the problem of violence at the celebrity school, which made the world buzz earlier, seems to disappear into the backdrop.
Starting with the azalea that appeared in TV Chosun 'Mistrot 2', the entertainment school violence Disclosure continued. There are cases where it turns out to be not true, and there are entertainers who acknowledged and apologized for mistakes in school days. On the other hand, there are mixed claims between Victims and attackrs, and the truth workshop has entered a long-term battle. Actor Jo Byung-gyu and Park Hye-soo are among them.
Jo Byung-gyu appealed to the individual SNS through the suspicion of school violence, saying, "I firmly pledged not to respond to any more malicious articles, but I can not see it." Park Hye-soo is also in sharp conflict with Disclosure, as he has made clear his hard-line stance on the person who spread false articles. Disclosure claimed to be being threatened by Park Hye-soo, and Park Hye-soo emphasized that he would surely uncover the truth by claiming that he was Victims.
There are still school violence cases that have not been properly revealed: in a series of cases, it is not yet clear who is the attacker and the Victims. It may be Victims who was identified as an attackr, or the real Victims may be stealing tears somewhere. Therefore, rather than focusing on the gossip that turns the attention, it is time to pay attention to the problem that needs attention.