Oh Na-ra '21 Years in Love' Gold Miss, in the heat of the day, "Kew When you come, open the car door..."

Oh Na-ra posted a photo on Instagram on Monday with an article entitled "Waiting in the #car when the Kew signal comes, opening the car door and #starting right #heartstarting #starting right now #starting right now #54321".
The photo shows Oh Na-ra, who is waiting for the Kew sign on the set and reveals his excited mind.
Oh Na-ra was impressed with her beauty during her perfect period, including her large eyes and skin without a blemish.
On the other hand, Actor Oh Na-ra has a relationship with Actor's acting instructor Kim Do-hoon in 2000 as a musical 'Myungsung Empress'. Kim Do-hoon and Oh Na-ra, who have been in Love for 21 years, have shown affection for Kim Do-hoon through various broadcasts.