The 'subtitles' power, which adds entertainment to entertainment more entertainment, is emerging as an important factor in entertainment.
Infinite Challenge is one of the most representative entertainments that have best utilized subtitles in the past. Kim Tae-ho table courtier subtitles, which gives pins or horses to martial arts members, caused the illusion of Tikitaka with members. In addition, the skeleton subtitles and the sound effect that appear at the moment when the member seems to have hit the back of the head are also a signal of a loud voice. The court-shaped subtitles and skeleton effect sound were loved by many as the Infinite Challenge' signature with the mascot dancer.
Nowadays, as YouTube and clip videos have developed, Web browsertainment is as popular as broadcasting. Unlike broadcasting, the charm of the breathtaking Web brochurerecentertainment was popular with the younger generation.
From the Re-Ment beyond the line of the cast, the relentless editing and directing as well as the sensible subtitles doubled the fun of Web brouserentetainment. Broadcasting entertainment, which has recently been influenced by Web growtherententenment, is also changing along the young trend. Web broadcasting was also the beginning of the production of subtitles using the face of the performer used in many broadcasters.
subtitles production of Web browsertainment, which is not embedded in this framework, has also started to affect broadcasting entertainment. As well as the subtitles mentioned above, the subtitles no longer just explained the situation. Goes to subtitles that highlight the cast Laughter and capture the director's intentions. Adding to this 'young sensibility' reveals the power of subtitles that make entertainment more entertaining.
SBS longevity entertainment Running Man' recently caught the laughing points in the performer Re-Ment appropriately and changed the subtitles font according to the accent and intention. In addition, they amplify Laughter by subtitles to fit the Re-Ment or situation, especially by mixing new generation terms and community memes with subtitles to suit young emotions.
'I'll shoot you in a bunch', which resonated with a laughing bomb after the first broadcast, was also acclaimed as a subtitles to highlight the Hur Jae character, who was enchanted by the skills of basketball legends. When director Hur Jae laughs at the play, the Laughter subtitles from the nose comes to the unique fun of visualizing the sound.
Now, subtitles in entertainment have become so important that we can not talk about it. The cast members supplement the missing part with subtitles, and make the situation more fun. Of course, it is misunderstood because of the unnecessary subtitles, and the subtitles that have transferred the Re-Ment and the emotions that the performers have not done.
But it is undeniable that subtitles are a vital component of the program. Kim Young-hee PD, who introduced the first subtitles to Korea entertainment, said in the broadcast, "It is subtitles that can give a great liveliness to the whole screen. So I thought I should make up these subtitles. "
subtitles, which have been merely delivering information, are changing in line with the trend. As such, 'younger' subtitles are attracting viewers' favor.