In the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers' broadcasted on the evening of the 24th, 'Ssireum Idol' Lim Tae-hyuk, Park Jung-woo, No Bum-soo, and heo Seon-haeng Vic-Fezensac appeared as masters and wrestled with members.
On the day, the members held an opening on the wrestling board. Yang Se-hyeong said, "In fact, it is Lee Man-gi and Kang Ho-dong that remind me of wrestling. But there are so many players who are good at it. "
The crew then gave the members a number. The final results were Kim Dong-Hyun, Lee Seung-gi, No. 3, Cha Eun-woo, No. 4 Shin Sung-rok and No. 5 Yang Se-hyeong. The production team said, "The masters have made it in the order that they will wrestle well."
Then came Taebaek, who caught the eye with the appearance of Vic-Fezensac heo Seon-haeng, who called Yang Se-hyeong as soon as he came up to the wrestling board. heo Seon-haeng threw Yang Se-hyeong into a laughing sea on the scene.