Lee Min-ho will play lg's Cole Hamels in the first round of the 2020 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO Post Season semi-PO against Doosan Bears at Jamsil-dong Stadium on the 4th.
Lee Min-ho, who wore lg uniform as a 2020 first-choice rookie, took the starting position in the first year of debut. He was thoroughly managed in pitching innings and intervals, but he was in 20Kyonggi and 4-4 with an Earned run average of 3.69.
The weight of the opponent team Doosan Cole Hamels, Chris Flexen (8 wins, 4 losses, Earned run average 3.01), was lower, but he showed his strength against Doosan.
lg's first-round PO match against Lee Min-ho instead of Im Chan-kyu and Chung Chan-heon is not irrelevant to this record.
Lee Min-ho is a typical two-pitch Pitcher with a 90% fastball and slider usage. For Doosan, both fastball and slider have worked. Sliders, especially over 140 km/h, were the main contributors. Slider hits were only .238. Slider hits were also .286.
Lee Min-ho also uses fastballs, sliders, and curves and splitters; the two pitches have only 10%; the notable point is that there were no fastballs and splitters' hits. It means that the ball is not often thrown, but the ball is tough. If you can boldly throw curves and splitters in important Kyonggi such as Junpo, you can pitch more than expected.
The Doosan batter who was strong for Lee Min-ho is Choi Joo-hwan. Choi Joo-hwan hit .333 with two hits (1 homer) and an OPS 1.262 in six at-bats against Lee Min-ho. The variable is that Lee Min-ho cannot guarantee a starting start due to right foot foot foot foot fasciitis; Choi Joo-hwan's trip is a reason for more attention.
Kim Jae-ho and Kim Jae-hwan are also responsible for hitting the most three hits for Lee Min-ho. He is the only player in the scoring list to record a timely hit (a green point between 3-yu on the Spray Chart). Kim Jae-hwan also tormented Lee Min-ho with one hit and four walks in three totals against each other; his opponent .330-year-old OPS is 1.047.
lee seok-mu