An Enlisted Park Bo-gum, 27, at Navy in late August, completed a six-week boot drill and played Navy Completion ceremony.
The Navy Education Command held the 669th Navy Completion ceremony at the headquarters of Jinhae-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do on the 8th.
Completion ceremony was held at its own Event without inviting outsiders such as family members and acquaintances to prEvent the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
Event was released in real time through the Navy Official of Korea Navy, the official YouTube channel of Navy.
Rekrut, who completed the day, has a total of 1,297 people, including Park Bo-gum
They completed intensive training for five weeks, including basic physical training, battle swimming, survival training, and marching, including one week after entering the army on August 31st.
Navy explained that Park Bo-gum had been trained with motives and sincerity.
Rekrut, including Park Bo-gum, will be deployed to the unit after receiving conservative education at the school of education after Completion ceremony and will perform the mission of defending the country's marine defense.
Park Bo-gum is scheduled to be discharged in late April 2022 after serving as a Navy cultural publicist.