The Chuseok holiday of the nation. I have to have a good time with my family. This year, the number of people staying at home is higher than usual due to Corona 19. Advantageous Netflix program for you at home in Chuseok! Travel surrogate satisfaction, healing in Chuseok Housecock.
If you are at home in Chuseok, why do not you feel the satisfaction of the surrogate with the Travel you see with your eyes? Let's feel healing with Twogether', which two Korean actors Lee Seung-gi and Greater China star Ryu Ho have Traveled Twogether.
Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing Travel variety that Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language are going to visit fans around Asia this summer.
Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi and Greater China star Ryu Ho Travel Twogether beyond the walls of nationality and language, and two people receive a mission to solve it and meet fans around the world.
Let's enjoy the holiday with the beautiful scenery and the romance of two men who are full of joy.