'Yot Expedition' Jin Goo and Choi Siwon and Chang Kiha and Song Ho Jun, Hermagor-Pressegger See of Tears also entered the port. Season 1 End

The Yacht Expedition Ended the grand finale.
On the afternoon of the 19th, MBC Everlon 'Yot Expedition' was the last Summertime of actor Jin Goo, Singer and actor Choi Siwon, Singer Chang Kiha and writer Song Ho-joon.
On the 12th day of the voyage, the crew headed to the sound road, called the Treasure Island, where there were long traces of time engraved throughout the cave. Song Ho-joon was able to appreciate the scenery with the base of the director of the filming, although he was unable to secure the view due to impurities, and he was able to appreciate the scenery.
Then I experienced climbing the mast to the top of the yacht. Captain Kim Seung-jin said, "I think it is the best learning to experience it with your body. It is a way to ride the outer line using the juma ring used for climbing. I want to teach you how to climb the top of the mast. " The first Top Model Chang Kiha climbed to the top of the mast and shouted "Long Live", while Jin Goo showed a hand-shaking ease without a hint of fear. "I heard it was the orthodox of the yacht, I was not afraid to go up to whether I was close to the yacht or the sea," Jin Goo told the production team.
The ship party was held. Captain Kim Seung-jin and team doctor Lim Soo-bin, who were on the meal line, prepared seaweed soup without knowing the crew. Song Ho-joon, who received Choi Siwon's Gift, laughed brightly, saying, "Thank you all, the celebration was unfolded."
"I do not know how to operate the yacht," Chang Kiha said. "Even if I did not do well, there was no problem with the voyage. I reaffirmed that I was a scarce man, but I was glad that I could live with someone else and live a life without Mask. I thought of a friEnd on land," he confessed.
"Every yacht can ride, but no one can ride, and if you are vigilant, you get hurt a lot," said Jin Goo, "every day was hard: every time our member was a treasure. I would have been afraid when I first started. I would have felt a sense of discomfort when I returned. It was a great help because there was a thing that covered my fears. " Captain Kim also mentioned the port of the paper cell, saying, "The first and the End of the voyage are the most important. We will go to the daytime, but we will be careful about watching and go safely. "
After cleaning the yacht, they prepared a headline for the port of entry. Choi Siwon grooms Chang Kiha's hairstyle and shows off his bromance chemistry. On the Hermagor-Presseger See, which unfolded before his eyes, Jin Goo said: "It was like going to the army and going on my first vacation, it was grieving and clunky. The port I saw when I left the port of Hermagor-Pressegger See and the port I saw when I went back were too different. "
Chang Kiha, who stepped on the land after 17 days of Summertime, said, "I wanted to rest quickly until I saw Hermagor-Presseger See, but I was cluttered with the banners and welcome. I had a feeling of rising. "Song Ho-joon also said," I was happy to be with good people. "
Meanwhile, 'Yot Expedition: The Big Ning', the second season of 'Yot Expedition', will be broadcasted at 8:30 pm on the 26th.