In the '2020 Content Industry Porum', Running Man' was mentioned as a global success story of the Mount Fuji I.P.
While the 2020 Content Industry Porum - Broadcasting was held Online due to the spread of COVID-19, formatist Kim Yong-jae discussed the importance of the Mount Fuji I.P.
“When I was directing entertainment on sbs, I heard that I had to expand my global business,” Kim said. At the end of 2013, I made the sbs acting target and made a global Content business at the head office. "
“After the Korean War, we will go to Vietnam and sign a contract for the first season of the Philippine version, and it will be produced in 2021,” Kim said.
“As a “Running Man” success story, we need to format and globalize the Mount Fuji I.P. To be distributed and successful in the global market, we need to create a format in the Content. In our program, PD takes a picture and edits it to create Content that sees the game, so that part is insufficient. "