There is a growing interest in the Kenneth Tsang Kong Pod, where SF and romance genres met in the MBC cinematic drama sf8, which is about to be broadcast on the 14th.
sf8 - Kenneth Tsang Kong Podge is a work that depicts the real sympathy romance of a thumbnail thumbnail that happens when men and women who cheated on each other's faces in a Future-type dating app can not meet due to an app malfunction. Choi Siwon and Uee each played the male and female protagonists.
Two of the plays continue to have a relationship with each other on the app "Kenneth Tsang Kong Pod", and finally have the opportunity to meet in reality, but they hesitate without courage. The excitement felt in this process is a point that can be sympathized with those who have just started to love beyond the fact that the background in the Kenneth Tsang Kong Pod is a near Future.
Uee and Choi Siwon's chemistry is noted. Uee said, "I often dance with excitement at the shooting scene, and Choi Siwon is the only male actor who has been the only one to match the dance." Attention is focused on what pink synergy can be demonstrated.
The dating app, which can be seen even in our daily lives, is based on a virtual love app that has evolved further. It is noteworthy how ingenious and unique imagination has been added to the background of the near Future.
“I think SF is the last genre of escape that can show Future Future through fantasy,” said Oh Ki-hwan, who directed Kenneth Tsang Kong.
sf8 will be released for a total of eight weeks, one each week, starting with its first broadcast at 10:10 p.m. on Friday, August 14. It can also be seen through the OTT platform wave.
Photo: MBC