Singer and actor Lee Seung-gi expressed his affection and gratitude for Taiwanese star Ryu I-ho (34, above) who was linked with Twogether. "It is the entertainment Jewelry that has changed the fear into a thrill," he praised.
Lee Seung-gi was fortunate to have been "pleased and burdened to be able to meet with various people around the world after receiving the first appearance proposal" in the video Interview conducted by Netflix original "Twogether".
"I have done various entertainments, but it would not be easy to listen to the concept. (Laughing) I have been doing realistic entertainment for a while, and I think it is because I have an image that seems to survive even in difficult situations. " It was a new challenge for myself, but I survived somehow. I was surprised by myself as I did my missions one by one. "
Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing travel variety in which two youth stars, Lee Seung-gi of Korea and Ryu Ho of Taiwan, travel around Asia and go to fans. SBS 'Running Man', Netflix 'You are the perpetrator!' PD Cho Hyo-jin and PD Ko Min-seok, who directed the series, caught the megaphone.
Lee Seung-gi said, "I experienced overseas travel entertainment through 'Sister rather than Flower' in the past, but I have been away for a long time. At that time, I was really poor at knowing nothing, and I supported my seniors and focused on tourism, but Twogether was a lot to say that I went to overseas Friends and fans and went on the course recommended by fans. “We have devoted our energy to the experience.”
Lee Seung-gi said, "Before I left the trip, I was honestly burdened and afraid." "I have been engaged in entertainment with several people, and I am anxious because I have to prepare my own weapons to some extent and communication itself is not good. Nani met Ryu Ho and his fear turned into a thrill. It was an entertainment treasure. "
“I enjoyed being (Ryu Iho) and I enjoyed growing up. I said that I was the master of entertainment, and I left a strong aspiration that I would not be like this when I went next. "
“In his work, he seemed to be a sweet romantic Guy, but he was very energetic and very sensitive and quickly became close. I played a few games and Nani Ricky quickly learned and most of all, it was a great pleasure to have a Friend that made the other person comfortable. It was good to be able to break everything I have followed. "
“We all felt good in the top ten in many countries at a short time after ‘Twogether’ was released, and we are still giving each other our regards after the program. “I’m talking about how you’re doing, and I’m hoping for Season 2 because the atmosphere is good,” he said.
As for Ryu Ho's affection for the media, "I want to travel with Lee Seung-gi again," he said, "I am so sorry when I broke up. “I’m used to it and I’m so tired of being parted,” he replied, “I want to be with you on a personal trip or whatever.”
"Thanks to the Earth 2 and The Electric Affinities that have been built in the meantime, I enjoy real entertainment or such adventures. “I think the audience is enjoying it comfortably, but I’m just trying to be me, and I’m grateful and proud that it seems to be looking good,” he said.
In addition, "I am proud to have a good Friend as I am suffering, have a new experience, and have more feedback than I expected. I also want to see the attraction of entertainment. "
Twogether' is a poor but warm communication process between two stars, an unpredictable reaction by overseas fans on unexpected visits, beautiful scenery and music that resonates in the ears. Healing with a variety of entertainment. Eight episodes were released on Netflix on the 28th of last month.
"The Secret of entertainment Love Calls? Earth 2 The Electric Affinities"