“Both subtitles, editing, and emotions are Korean entertainment, but they’re designed to appeal to the World market.”
The US review media decider commented on Netflix original entertainment Twogether', which was released on the 26th of last month. It is a program created by the Korean company company Imagination, but thanks to the Travel entertainment, which is a Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi (33) and Taiwanese actor RIU Hotels Hao ( Ryu Iho34) who leave for Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal and other fans. The word "Good content to enter if Asia entertainment is the first time" has been added to the top 10 content of the day in eight countries.
Lee Seung-gi, who met on the 3rd video, said, "I am glad that two people who have different nationality, language, and culture have met and worried about it." The two men, who were not familiar with each other’s language, communicated in simple English with gestures: “I think people are more pure and energetic because they don’t speak well. It was so strange that gestures and actions could explain everything. I realized once again that the important thing is empathy. "Two Travels have also increased the Korean and Chinese skills of the two.
“I was worried about the language, but I was more energetic.”
The notebook of the "entertainment dream tree" RIU Hotels Hao, who learned the harsh Korean entertainment, added a sentence such as "the bad luck". The first appearance of entertainment, he met veteran Lee Seung-gi and took on a tough mission. Successful missions can get hints containing the location information of the fan. Lee Seung-gi chooses to take a leisurely fishing boat among the two missions, and RIU Hotels and Haws fishing in the water. RIU Hotels Hao wondered, "Why do I feel like I'm struggling?" But gradually adapted quickly, hiding the motorcycle key to arrive at the destination faster than Lee Seung-gi.
Lee Seung-gi said, "Korea entertainment is really Hardcore Holly. entertainment in other countries is talk-oriented, so it is rare for stars to go out of the studio and perform outdoor activities intensely. "RIU Hotels and Iao were very funny while it was difficult to perform various missions. I am proud that such a part has come fresh and attractive to overseas viewers. " RIU Hotels Hao, who has been ranked as a young star with the movie Hello, My Girl (2018), has expressed his special affection for Korea by appearing on KBS2's Superman Returns. Lee Seung-gi praised "I feel like I have found a new entertainment gemstone," and praised "I do not think it would be awkward to work in Korea."
Enjoy local Game in Southeast Asia, including Sepaktacro
If Travel entertainment has focused on informing Korean culture such as Korean food, Twogether' devotes a lot to accepting local culture. Not only do you look around the places recommended by your fans, but you also play Game with the Ketch Dance Company, an Indian traditional dancer, or in Thailand, you form a team on the spot with citizens and play a popular sports sepaktaq in Southeast Asia. The time given to each city is a short schedule for a day or so, but it focuses on experience rather than tourism, naturally bringing cultural exchanges. Hallyu elements are indirectly used through dialogue, such as when they encountered and became fans.
Lee Seung-gi first met on SBS 'X Man Sunday is good' (2006-2007) and revealed his belief in Cho Hyo-jin PD who played Netflix 'You're the Beginner' Season 1, 2 (2018, 2018). “Your entertainment style is dynamic, such as Running Man, but it fits me well because there are many adventures. “I was afraid of the audio when it was blank and monotonous, but I was quick to get immersed.” “I never imagined that I would be able to easily leave Travel with Corona until I filmed it last September, but there seem to be many people who are satisfied with the surrogate Travel,” he added.
“Consuming images with entertainment? I’ve learned a lot.”
Lee Seung-gi's next film is also entertainment. It is a local variety tvN 'Seoul Village Nom' that goes to the hometown of local stars along with Cha Tae-hyun, and is about to be broadcasted on the 12th. It is the work of Yoo Ho-jin PD who led KBS2 '1 night and 2 days' season 3 (2013-2016). Lee Seung-gi, who has been in close contact with Kang Ho-dong and Na Young-seok PD from Season 1 (2007-2012) to TVN Shin Seo-yugi (2015), has also been told that he was not alone in choosing his own routes such as SBS's 'Death and Deacon' as his return work since his discharge in 2017. “I’m not intentional at all, but I have a strong will to challenge and overcome the limitations of what I’ve never done before,” he explained.
Since the 2018 SBS entertainment Awards, he has also made clear his position on the critical view that "images are consumed by frequent entertainment appearances." “If I can’t do well or do something I don’t want to do, I think the image can be consumed, but if I want to do well, I don’t think so. Rather, I learned to see big pictures while performing entertainment. The singer is on stage alone and the acting is prepared mainly for his role. Since there is no script for entertainment, the crew has to keep observing and watching what they want and what they are good at. I’m going to continue because it’s the driving force behind the move.”
Netflix entertainment 8 countries that left with Taiwan actor RIU Hotels Ihao to visit the "Top 10 of the Day" "Asia entertainment good content" word of mouth Corona 19 was blocked by Travel road.