Jo Hyo-Jin pd has pointed out the popularity factor of Twogether'.
Netflix original content entertainment Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing travel variety in which Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language are traveling around six Asian cities. Jang Hyuk Jae and Jo Hyo-Jin pd's company imagination, who directed SBS 'Running Man' and Netflix 'You are the one!'
Twogether' was released simultaneously around the world on the 26th of last month, and it is enjoying hot popularity in 'TOP10 of today' contents in more than 5 countries. Especially, the professional entertainer Lee Seung-gi and the beginner Ryu Iho meet and mission, and the bromance chemistry that becomes stronger is getting good response.
On the morning of the 7th and in the video Interview, Jo Hyo-Jin pd said, "I was worried that Twogether' would be released and some reaction would come. It was the most challenging program I’ve ever done. Fortunately, I’ve been in the top 10 in 10 countries. I am glad that the results are good, but I am most pleased that I contacted the entertainers who came Twogether and liked them. "
"I think you like them too much," Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho said. Joe pd said, "I heard that Lee Ho's new fans are emerging in Korea. I heard that Seung-ki's fans are increasing in Greater China. I am not good at it, but I think it looks good to be caring in Lee Ho's language. I heard that Lee Ho's Korean is cute, and Seung-gi's Chinese seems cute. "
"At first, it was awkward, but I think you like the romance that gets closer to traveling. He added, "Since the city is a city, I can not travel freely (to Corona 19), but I can satisfy my surrogate through Twogether'.
Joe pd said, "I had to show a traveler that could be healing," said Joe pd, who said he was trying to contain a lot of European natural scenery as he focused on healing travel. I also talked to the shooting team, but because I had enough time to do color correction work, I talked about the image of Europe as much as possible as possible. I cared about that part in editing and jung. "
Meanwhile, Twogether' is an eight-part episode and can be seen through Netflix.
Photo = Netflix