Running Man' Yoo Jae-Suk, Song Ji-hyo, "The Intrusion Payment for 10,000 won" ..Kim Jong-kook "I'll do it if I get 5,000 won"

Yoo Jae-Suk cheered Song Ji-hyo with IPTV Payment
On SBS Running Man' broadcast on 19th, 'Tazza: The High Rollers: War of the Punters' Race was held.
The day was held as a war Race for the players who gathered at the entertainment Tazza: The High Rollers from all over the country and picked the best Tazza: The High Rollers.
Yoo Jae-Suk mentioned the recent status of the members before the Race. "I did a really good job in the movie The Intrusion," he said of Song Ji-hyo. "I opened it even though it was a difficult time."
Ji Suk-jin said, "But it's over a million." The members who heard it said, "Don't talk about it, it's not like that these days."
Ji Suk-jin then comforted Song Ji-hyo, saying, "It's going to be over soon," but the film was already released on IPTV. Yoo Jae-Suk has hired Ji Suk-jin.
Yoo Jae-Suk also said, "Ji Hyo, I paid for 11,000 won," and Song Ji-hyo said, "Thank you for your brother."
Haha also said, "Goeun sister paid - I have not seen it yet." Kim Jong-kook said, "I will pay if I go down to 5,000 won." "It was hard to pay more than 10,000 won."