Ji Suk-jin and Yoo Jae-Suk mentioned the disjoint news of Jeon So-min. In the SBS entertainment program 'which was broadcasted on the evening of the 5th, there was a race to exempt the debt by penalty by amount. On this day, the crew told the members, "If you arrive at the filming site, go to the kiosk and buy a pen, find the hidden 1 million won prize Envelope and write down your name and become the prize winner." After that, Yoo Jae-Suk asked, "Do you want to disjoint?" As soon as I saw Jeon So-min, and Jeon So-min said, "Did not you know it before? Ji Suk-jin, who was late on the filming scene, said, "Why are you working so hard?" And asked, "Should not you disjointversion now?" Yoo Jae-Suk said, "How do you reversion?" Ji Suk-jin said, "The article should be overturned." In a disjoint post from Jeon So-min, Haha lamented, "Who are you kidding now?"