Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho's meeting with the topic Twogether' took off the veil.
The Netflix OLizynal series Twogether', released on June 29, is an eye-cleaning healing Travel variety that two other stars, Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho, who are from both languages and are Traveling around Asia.
Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho Traveled Twogether in Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal last September. The rising backpack Travel Holy Land Indonesia Yugyakarta, the ground paradise Bali called the Island of Angels, the Thailand Bangkok, which attracts Travelers to the spectacular night market, Chiang Mai, the resting place of the tired heart, and the two cities of Asia for a month until they return to Seoul via Pocara and Kathmandu in Europe Nepal, the closest to the sky. I did.
Twogether' tells the story of Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho performing the mission presented by the production team and getting a hint to visit the house of local fans. Rather than being a dramatic and huge format of entertainment, Lee Seung-gi, Ryu's bromance, and local fans' recommended attractions are outstanding.
The biggest point of view is Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho. Two of the same-age Hunan stars representing Korea and Taiwan show the bromance chemistry that gradually approaches each other by Traveling.
Lee Seung-gi, an entertainment veteran who won the entertainment award, shows excellent ability in front of the crew's mission. With extraordinary wit and quickness, it embarrasses Ryu Ho as well as the production team, and it shows off the unhappiness of the relaxed entertainer and causes fun. Ryu Iho's conflicting appearance, which is adapting to the entertainment by singing "Sung Ki" with little experience in entertainment here, saves the two people's chemistry.
The Travel Route, which fans have made themselves here, offers a surrogate satisfaction these days, when it is difficult to Travel overseas with Corona 19. The traditional street with local atmosphere, and the scenery of the natural beauty capture the attention. The crew's high-level mission is more fun to see Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho who solve it than itself.
Lee Seung-gi said in a recent interview, "The target standard is different because it is not a platform that broadcasts only in Korea, but against the world. It feels like we are aiming for content that everyone can sympathize with. " In fact, Twogether' is evaluated as having a story that anyone can easily see without a stimulating corner.