group Techs Kies member Jang Su won joined the Challenge Vonn thanks to leader Eun Ji-won's nomination.
Jang Su won wrote on his Instagram account on July 14, "Hello! It's Techs Kies Jang Su won. Thanks to the support transfer, I am happy to be with you in meaningful Thanks to the challenge. At this moment, I sincerely thank and respect the medical staff and everyone who work 24 hours a day and night to overcome COVID-19. It is a difficult and exhausting time, but if you try to be one of your daily life, you can overcome it. I hope everyone will come to a healthy and energetic life. "
The picture shows Jang Su won wearing a white mask; Jang Su won expresses 'respect' in sign language. Jang Su won's eyes catch the eye.
The fans who heard the news responded "Thank you for your good influence", "Perfect to the mask" and "Thank you for your company".