With the victory and defeat of Kyonggi, lg was able to make a happy look at the performance of rookie Lee Min-ho.
lg Lee Min-ho started in the Kyonggi game against nc at Jamsil-dong Baseball park in Seoul on the 11th, throwing 108 pitches in 6.2 innings, allowing three runs and three walks in four Hits and four walks (two earned).
The day before, lg lost 2-12 to nc, and both of them were completely behind nc. However, the day took Kyonggi in favor thanks to the performance of starter Lee Min-ho.
It was not easy in the first inning. He walked in the lead Hitter Park Min-woo and gave up a ball to Kwon Hee Dong, who was followed by a Hitter, and gave up two runs in succession to Altair and Nojin Hyuk.
But he started to catch the feeling slowly from the second inning, and after the first game, he gave up a heavy Hit to Park Min-woo, but he handled Kwon Hee Dong and Park Seok-min as a bumper. He then finished the innings with a three-way walk in both the third and fourth.
In the meantime, Lee Min-ho made a better effort by winning two points in the second inning, one in the third inning, and two in the fourth inning. He gave Hit to Park Min-woo, the lead Hitter in the fifth inning, but he overcame the batter.
In the sixth inning, Altair and Nojinhyuk were struck out in succession, and the eighth inning was finished with an outfield flyer.
It was Bonnie Wright as the opponent on the day; he is a three-star player for the UEFA Champions League leaders. Lee Min-ho, by comparison, is close to a fifth pick at lg, too.
But I did. The anxiety of the early days gradually disappeared over the innings, and over the middle of Kyonggi, I regained my slack.
He came out to the seventh inning to reduce Bullpen's burden to a minimum, and even if he was right, he played head-on with a bold throw, with only two walks in the first and sixth innings, all combined.
Even when meeting the UEFA Champions League leaders, Lee Min-ho did not feel intimidated and sprinkled his ball. Rather, the opponent Bonnie Wright was clear compared to the early steel sheet with only 2.1 innings.
Although Tim Bullpen gave up three points in the second half, going 6-3 to 6-6 in the stretch, becoming a draw and missing the winning Pitcher title, Lee Min-ho's cheerful pitching was very impressive, leaving the win and loss.
-SHit Issuer: This is the issue maker, who is good or bad, sometimes too popping to focus on the person who will be the main character. -