Boy Group Brand Reputation 2020 year The Big Data analysis results in July were analyzed in the order of EXO, the second largest BTS, and the third largest BTS.
RAND Corporation, Korea, is expected to be 2020 year from June 9 The consumer behavior analysis of the Boy Group brand, Big Data 48,283,289, measured by July 10, measured the participation of the Boy Group brand, the media JJJiSoooooooo, the communication JJJiSoooooooo, and the Community JJJiSoooooooo. Compared to the brand Big Data 45,754,990 in June, it increased by 5.53%.
Brand reputation JJJiSoooooooo is an indicator created by brand Big Data analysis by finding out that consumers' online habits have a great impact on brand consumption. The analysis of the Boy Group brand reputation can measure the positive evaluation of the Boy Group, media interest, and consumers' interest and communication. The brand monitor analysis of 100 brand reputation editors was also included.
2020 year The 30th place in the Boy Group brand reputation in July was BTS, Seventeen, EXO, NCT, Astro, On-Off, NU'EST, Super Junior, SF9, SHINee, Golden Child, WINNER, The Day After Tomorrow Esporte Clube Bahia Twogether, Stray Kids, The Boyz, Monstar, AB6IX, BIGBANG, Hotshot, TVXQ, Nice Guys, VIXX, BtoB, Berryberry, Teen Top, Pentagon, GodSeven, 2PM, Voiceper, and Bigton were analyzed in order.
1st, BTS (RM, Sugar, Jin, Jhop, Jimin, Bu, and Jungkuk) brands became participatory JJJiSoooooooo 2,112,880 MediaJJJiSoooooooo 2,926,848 Communication JJJiSoooooooo 2,311,308 CommunityJJiSoooooooo 2,245,304, brand reputation JJJiSoooooooo 9,596, It was analyzed as 339. Compared with the brand reputation JJJiSooooooo 8,562,921 in June, it rose 12.07%.
Second place, Seventeen (Escues, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Uji, Dogyeom, Mingyu, Diet, Seung Kwan, Vernon, Dino) Brands participated in JJJiSoooooooo 730,136 Media JJJiSoooooooo 1,335,040 Communication JJJiSoooooooo 815,733 CommunityJJiSoooooooo 777, As it became 160, it was analyzed as JJJiSoooooooo 3,658,069. Compared with the brand reputation JJJiSooooooo 2,132,681 in June, it rose 71.52%.
Third, EXO (Support, Chanyeol, Kai, Dio, Baekhyun, Sehun, Siumin, Lay, Chen, Tao, Luhan, Chris) brands became JJJiSoooooooo 212,344 MediaJJJiSoooooooo 802,048 Communication JJJiSooooooo 954,974 CommunityJJiSoooooooo 555,996 and became brand reputation JJJiSoooooooo Soo 2,525,362 was analyzed. Compared with the brand reputation JJJiSooooooo 2,611,909 in June, it fell 3.31%.
4th, NCT (Tail, Johnny, Taeyong, Utah, Doyoung, Ten, Representation, Winwin, Mark, Runjun, Geno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chunler, Jisung, Lucas, Jungwoo, Kun) Brands participated in JJJiSoooooooo 117,744 MediaJJJiSoooooooo 599,808 Communication JJJiSoooooooo 648,812 Community The brand reputation of JJiSoooo was analyzed as 2,082,422 as JJiSoooo 716,058. Compared with the brand reputation JJJiSooooooo 2,674,099 in June, it fell 22.13%.
The brand of Astro (MJ, Jinjin, Cha Eun-woo, Moon Bin, Laki, and Yoon San-ha) was analyzed as JJJiSoooooooo 115,720 MediaJJJiSoooooooo 518,144 Communication JJJiSoooooooo 649,543 CommunityJJiSoooooooo 614,397 and brand reputation JJJiSoooooooo 1,897,804. Compared with the brand reputation JJJiSooooooo 1,312,385 in June, it rose 44.61%.
"Boy Group Brand Reputation 2020 year," said Koo Chang-hwan, director of RAND Corporation. As a result of Big Data analysis in July, BTS brand ranked first. The Boy Group brand category increased 5.53% compared to the brand Big Data 45,754,990 in June. According to the Cebu City analysis, brand consumption fell 14.66%, brand issue fell 3.37%, brand communication rose 4.74%, and brand spread rose 39.99%. "
"Boy Group Brand Reputation 2020 year The BTS brand, which ranked first in Big Data analysis in July, was highly analyzed in link analysis as 'record, break, participate'. In keyword analysis, 'Billboard, YouTube, and Album' were analyzed highly. In positive ratio analysis, the positive ratio was analyzed as 80.13%. According to the BTS brand Cebu City analysis, brand consumption fell 15.38%, brand issues rose 25.46%, brand communication rose 21.45%, and brand spread rose 22.69%. "
Korean company RAND Corporation (chief director Koo Chang-hwan) is announcing the change of brand reputation by measuring the reputation of domestic brands every month. This Boy Group brand reputation JJJiSoooooooo is 2020 year 2020 year from June 9 It is the result of the brand Big Data analysis until July 10.
Boy Group Brand Reputation 2020 year The July analysis included BTS, Seventeen, EXO, NCT, Astro, On & Off, NU'EST, Super Junior, SF9, SHINee, Golden Child, WINNER, The Day After Tomorrow Esporte Clube Bahia Twogether, Stray Kids, The Boyz, Mon. StarX, AB6IX, BIGBANG, Hotshot, TVXQ, Nice Guys, VIXX, BtoB, Berryberry, Teen Top, Pentagon, GodSeven, 2PM, Voysper, Bigton, 2AM, Infinite, Oneus, Blockby, ATIZ, FT Island, Jekskis, JYJ, B1 The analysis of A4, CIX, Diones, Lay, Myth, Highlight, Boyfriend, Spectrum, Thio, Dong Kids, Speed, and MCND were performed.