The new Drama "The Good Detective" (playplay by Choi Jin-won, director Cho Nam-guk, production by Bluthumb Kahaani, studio), which will be broadcasted at 9:30 pm on July 6, is an exciting investigative Drama that tracks a truth that is concealed by two different Detectives. The Good Detective, which attracted attention with its attention and attention to the high-indulgence video release, started its first broadcast countdown and unveiled the Poster scene behind-the-scenes. The enthusiasm and efforts of the Actors revealed through this will be focused on the first broadcast of The Good Detective' how they will shine in their works.
The partner shoot of Son Hyun-joo and Jang Seung-jo. The two men, who carefully checked the concept, costumes, and props, and took professional shots, talked affectionately every break and kept warm temperatures inside and outside the camera. Especially, it was the back door that The Good Detective' itself, which feels perfect breathing and hot energy just by being together. As such, Acting, Chemi-myeon Chemi, and all three perfect Actors have made efforts and high-quality results in various ways to put their characters in a single cut.
The Good Detective, which is expected to catch both the box office and the work after the 'Tracker The Chaser' and 'Golden Empire', is written by the director of the director, Cho Nam-kook and the Acting craftsman Son Hyo-jo. It will be broadcasted at 9:30 pm on Monday, July 6.
(PHOTOS: Blurthom Kahaani, Studio) (News Operations Team