Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other stars from the same age, who are from the language, have released a special Poster this summer, the eye-cleaning healing Travel variety Twogether', which is going around Asia and looking for fans.
The public Poster contains highlights of Twogether' Travel. The warm selfie, Lee Seung-gi, who solves the mystery of the production team, Ryu Ho, who is in charge of harpoon fishing, and two men on a couple bicycle are all captured in various Travel magazines. The Polaroid Corporation photos, filled with memories of Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Iho on the unfolding World leadership, reminds both of the memories of the two men and the pleasure of Travel to all viewers who have to postpone the Travel for a while.
Twogether' follows a month-long Travel to Seoul through Pocara and Kathmandu in Indonesia, Yuyakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Thailand, Chiang Mai and Nepal. Lee Seung-gi and Ryu I-ho's Summertime are full of net Travel that local fans have recommended. "The lively Travel that makes you feel the European of your fans by jumping into the life of a local fan, not a Travel that follows a famous sightseeing course." Cho Hyo-jin PD, who introduced "Twogether", made a Travel route full of fans' desire that the beloved star leave with the best memories in his Europe. The production team did not miss the various cultures that can be experienced in various Europes, as well as the high-level missions that two men have to go through to meet the fans who made the Travel route. The two actors who are embarrassed every time by the wrong mission, but look forward to meeting with the fans and enthusiastically work on the mission make a smile. In addition, the fantastic scenery of various Europes that can be seen in the Summertime of two people gives cool sights and healing to all those who miss Travel.
Twogether', which adds expectations to the special Poster that stimulates the desire for Travel, will be released to all Worlds on Netflix only on June 26th.