Seven years in 4Minute was obviously a valuable time for Jeon Ji-yoon, but the Music he dreamed of blossomed only from the Solo activIty. Jeon Ji-yoon, who wrote and wrote all the songs from his first single album 'Day and AND Night' and expressed his strengths clearly. I met him who dreams of the future constantly wIthout being shaken by the uneasy realIty.
He posed freely, as if on stAge, the moment when the camera gazed at him, the eyes that fIt the mood. Above all, I was impressed by the expression of my own strengths wIthout fear among cleanliness and boldness.
When asked about the current sItuation, he reported that he will appear in the Beauty Variety program Beauty and View, which is conducted by Ham Eun-jung and Park Kyu-ri. I am friendly because I have been active in the same era, and I feel that I can do well because of It.
In recent years, he has been actively communicating wIth fans on YouTube channel 'Judge Yoon'. He said he listens to voices of various Age groups through a trouble counseling center. “At first, I thought you were sending only old fans, but I started broadcasting and there were a lot of other fans,” he said. “You start wIth your teenAge friends and even send them to your 50s regardless of Age.”
When asked if this personalIty had influenced Singer's path, he said, "It may be. I am a person who is full of energy even if I think about It. "He replied wIth a smile," I like to go around and I like to work. "
This time, questions about the 4Minute life that I had been working on came and went. 11 years of entertainment career. He said, "Of course, I was a real person in the popularIty that I suddenly enjoyed, so I always thought about the preparations after feeling that this will disappear someday." At the beginning of the activIty, if I thought I should be the first somehow, I now have room.
Music, which was shown on the previous Music and Solo stAge, is so different; he replied that he had dreamed of such Music since his 4Minute activIties. At the time of the group activIty, I could not show what I wanted personally to make Music that everyone was involved. Then, I apologize to the fans who expected Performance at 4Minute, "I think I was selfish now. I didn’t want to be thinking about people at the time, I just enjoyed my own free Music.”
Jeon Ji-yoon, who left for UnIted States of America LA for composItion study. He opened up about the difference between recordings of UnIted States of America and Korea. “If Korea feels like recording and finishing what It needs to do when recording a record, It works in a very free atmosphere in UnIted States of America,” he said. “Some places have lighting and equipment in the recording room like the Aye Club.” “If Korea orders what mood to call It and The Artist fIts It, then the UnIted States of America studios have the environment Itself so built that It naturally catches the atmosphere,” he added.
For the reference of the work, he found various The Artists. Among them, Rihanna's Anti was the best alumnus. I really like The Artist, but I am sorry to not be able to play Music because I am in business.
The Musical role model is pop The Artist Billy Eilis: “It shows a pretty but random figure. The concept Itself is clear, "he said, laughing," I want to live wIth this free artist. "
When asked about the slump, there was not enough slump to specify, but I was depressed. “I was a lIttle depressed when I started my Solo activIty and I did not think It was better than I thought,” he said. “But It did not go very long because I was not depressed for a long time.” I am just that simple person, so even if I feel bad today, if I wake up and wake up, I will be okay soon.
The question about Lee Sang-hyung was not set aside, he said. "I am a fan of actor Cho Jeong-seok, although there is no ideal. “I hate people who don’t care and respect,” he said, “and I don’t like people who don’t care and respect.” He was more important than the outside world.
I suddenly wondered where he thought his attraction was, and he laughed, “It’s my strength to be comfortable wIth people wIthout making the atmosphere awkward.”
This time, when asked who knew him best, Jeon Ji-yoon said, "I think It is my parents. Originally, he wanted to be a civil servant, not a Singer. "He said," Since then, I started living as a Singer. I think he trusts me now. "
When asked about his future activIties, he said, "I will now appear in Beauty & View and show content on YouTube channels." He said, "I am preparing a new song to be released from late July to early August." This time, we will show Performance-oriented stAge, so we can expect It.
Finally, I thank the fans and say, "I know the faces of the fans and I know their names. I want to make a song for them, whether they are 10 or 20. " The moment when I am more excIted about how the Music he dreamed of will move forward, is the moment when he is enthusiastically immersed in any part of the game.