Broadcast: Pohang CBS Radio
4.15 Candidatess who will look at the qualities and pledges of our local Candidatesss in the general election. Today, I will meet Park Chang-ho of Pohang Buk-gu Justice Party. Hello.
Park Chang-ho> Good afternoon.
Kim Yoo-jung Why do you run for this election, tell me about your candidacy?
Park Chang-ho> Coronaro is a difficult time for everyone. We must overcome. Even if it is a little uncomfortable, let's break through this crisis by sharing with people who have a little more and encouraging each other and adding strength. Pohang has been a political manor for the Grand National Party, the Sunnuri Party, the Liberty Korea Party, and the Future Integration Party for decades. The president and the president who re-elected the president of the National Assembly, but during the presidency of President Lee Myung-bak, Pohang had a negative economic growth. I want to give hope to the people through politics. I want to change the society of huge inequality and discrimination. According to the National Tax Service statistics for 2018, the top 10 percent of total income accounted for 56.5 percent of total income, more than half of total income. The top 1 pro earns more than the bottom 30 percent, and there are 37,000 multi-homeowners with more than ten houses. I want to change the gap generation where these complaints are widespread.
Kim Yoo-jung In order to find out the qualities as a Candidatess, please introduce yourself to your career as a career leader.
Park Chang-ho > I did not leave Pohang, but I married in Pohang and sent my child to a high school in Pohang and I have been doing the civic movement and lived with my self-employed wife. During the IMF 20 years ago, he created the Citizens' Movement Headquarters to overcome unemployment. As the secretary general, he made emergency relief activities for low-income unemployed people and made free food service centers. He also served as chairman of the Pohang Environmental Movement Association and kept the Pohang environment. He has been a social welfare activist in Pohang and a civil activist as an environmental activist. I think Pohang is the best person to know and to represent the citizens of Pohang best.
Kim Yoo-jung In addition to Park Chang-ho, three Candidatesss from the Democratic Party's Oh Jung-ki and Kim Jung-jae, the future integration party, ran for Pohang Buk-gu. What do you think of your strengths compared to other Candidatesss?
Park Chang-ho> I know Pohang better than anyone. As I said earlier, I am the only Candidatess among the three Candidatesss who have been educated in Pohang and have been engaged in progressive civil movement progressive politics in Pohang without leaving Pohang. So I can say that I am the right person to represent the citizens in Pohang.
Kim Yoo-jung Then, please tell me what kind of pledge you have for Pohang Buk-gu, and what you have in detail.
Park Chang-ho > First, I have the idea of making a marine wind power complex with a total capacity of more than 10 trillion won on the east coast of Gyeongbuk. Jeonnam is planning to build a little more capacity than the first nuclear power plant, and KEPCO and MOU are concluded. Pohang is the area where the nuclear power plant is most concentrated, and Pohang is the best place to do this offshore wind power in Pohang. I would like to promote such a project in Pohang.
And the Corona crisis is a great challenge not only for our country but for all of humanity. I think the importance of public health has grown. I think that the importance of public health can be realized so desperately when we look at the situation in the United States, which is based on commercial hospitals and commercial hospitals. While protecting the public nature of private medical institutions, we have established a national infectious disease hospital so that we can effectively prevent and treat both countries, and we will promote the Disease Control Headquarters to the Disease Control Agency to systematically prevent new infectious diseases and disaster disasters. I have the idea that I will modernize the manpower and facilities of Pohang Medical Center to expand to the level of university hospitals and serve as a base medical center in eastern Pohang. Pohang is almost the only city with more than 500,000 population that does not have a medical school after excluding the metropolitan area. I have the idea of attracting a medical school in Pohang.
And the Corona crisis is making it difficult for all people. Disaster income The basic income of disaster income should be universally paid to the whole people, and the economic money brought by Corona is too large, so it is necessary to aggressively create jobs through Corona New Deal. I think that we should cut rents, lower rents to the right level, or give an emergency economic order to protect the self-employed, prohibit layoffs for months until the end of the corona crisis, and that the government should take such measures as the wages and the government should properly support them.
Kim Yoo-jung You have plans to build a offshore wind power plant, and you have to emphasize the importance of public medical centers and establish a medical school. I'll create a job through Corona New Deal. You've made these promises. So far, it's a common question. Now, I'm asking you a few questions.
First of all, the Justice Party did not participate in the proportional coalition party in relation to the party. While there are supportive positions in this regard, there are few indications that the democratic progressive camp had to participate in the victory. What do you think?
Park Chang-ho> I think it is not enough to respond to tricks by tricks, and I think that the party Justice Party that keeps the principles and degrees in Korea is essential. I think President Roh Moo-hyun would have made a choice in this phase if our people were a fool, President Roh Moo-hyun, who is alive in his heart. The Justice Party will go the way of political reform to walk the principles and degrees even if it is difficult.
Kim Yoo-jung The Future Integration Party is holding the general election as a "judgment" for the regime, and the ruling party is putting forward a "powerful ruling party." So how does the Justice Party define this election?
Park Chang-ho > I want to break down the politics of two parties and vested interests in 70 years. Unfortunately, Korean politics has been evaluated not because I am good but because of my opponent's fault and has such a history that regime change has been made. I think that if we do not break down the vested politics centered on the two parties in 70 years, the Republic of Korea will not advance a step forward. We will create such a political system that breaks down the specific economic system centered on unfair conglomerates and prioritizes the lives of the people. I will work hard to correct vested politics and specific economic system, the Justice Party and Park Chang-ho.
Kim Yu-jung I support the progressive party, but I can't vote for my vote. Some of these voters. What if you have something to say?
Park Chang-ho > It was a sincere choice to change and change the world. I think that a real resignation is a real resignation. If you take the Justice Party, you become the Justice Party, and if you take Park Chang-ho, you become Park Chang-ho. That's the vote that you took the former president who was impeached by the people.
Most of the pledges are about welfare expansion. There are also many criticisms of populism and perfusion of welfare work that the current government is promoting.
According to the IMF report, it came out late last year. We compared the government's fiscal expenditure to Korea's gross domestic product this year. It was the ninth of the G20 countries, at 23.88%, and the 33rd of the 35th countries that the OECD classified as developed countries. Korea's fiscal spending is very far-right. In this way, Korea is very far-right in the form of government, which is called economic spending. So it's not really right for a conservative media or an opposition party to say this to denigrate universal welfare. Rather, I would like to say that Korea is a country that needs to expand welfare spending more, and that it is such a society that needs to change inequality and discrimination that improve and change the lives of ordinary people.
Kim Yoo-jung I would like to tell you what election strategy you are working on.
Park Chang-ho> There is no special way. I will inform the citizens that I meet the citizens with authenticity and truth, know Pohang better than anyone else, and represent the pain of the common people and the lives of the common people. I will also be judged by the citizens with pride.
Kim Yoo-jung Finally, I will finish the interview by saying what voters want to do.
Park Chang-ho> Coronaro is a difficult time for everyone. But we can all get through it. Even if it is a little uncomfortable, I would like to share the power of our citizens with one person who has a little more and share it with the person who has a little less and break through this difficult time. Thank you
Kim Yu-jung Yes 4.15 Candidatess for the general election. I met with Park Chang-ho of Pohang Buk-gu Justice Party. Thank you.
Thank you.