21 broadcast JTBC gold store drama, 'Itaewon then write'(Theatre default dimmer with directing Kim Sung Yoon) last meeting in vengeance and love all of the accomplished night to new this(Park Seo-joon)of the story were drawn.
After the car accident, waking up the night new, and screwed in(Kim Dae-mi)for a sick body caused. Long-Hee(Yoo Jae name)devices source(security)is caught and this tells the location of that requested and, night new that without hesitation to his knees.
Zhang Ye smile the moment, Night new mouth opened. He said, "now for revenge, as the area came alive. Long shall that man my life hell, driving time, the enemies at the same time, a great man. I Your Back to chase life over him. Until now, this fight is worth it all. Such a man is a hostage in the knees as well this ugly old man to catch up to the time that I was inviting. Ten years from now you know you did"day to day him. Pole our vanity look.
Presently, and in fall moment, in front of it night new, and the best lift ticket(kind of water)appeared. Night new, and the best lift ticket Jang Geun Park, Kim Hee Hoon(original expression level)and fought and eventually joy in your success. Night new that finally Joey in love confessed.
This old dog(the right one)of the bit width as the device is collapsed said. Night new of the IC Group is collapsed the device is acquired in order to moved, the pole we are to prevent this night into the fortress to find him. "Sincere apology to me. Was wrong I said,"kneel tears shed pole our. However, Night new that "my needs do you see? That shopkeeper is. Acquisitions in the lost and I am behind that and what is it worth it? The business now. President"and accepted his. So the night into the fortress of the IC device is to be acquired. Perfect for a plurality of finishing was.
And the event finish since the people in the story of the turn introduction was. Night new this towards the Mind information about the sewage to find a restaurant with a new life began. The restaurant is handsome chef(Park Bo-gum)has joined.
Thumb seemed, not seemed strange relationship this is the best lift ticket and Express(a)of this story is still ongoing was. Also the Itaewon streets as a background to enjoy Dating night new, the Joey in the guise of a drama with that put.
'Itaewon then writing'is irrational World night new, this including the young people of the 'hip'one rebellion through invigorating and exhilarating catharsis to the viewers of Love came to accept. Through the drama Park Seo-joon is looking more and more drama The King of the side to was and Kim Dae-mi, Lee Ju-Young, Kwon or, Kim Dong-hee, Ryu, water, security etc in theatre the new face of their presence was shown. Work both inside and out or that Happy Endings was.