"Dool King Sejong Institute" Jung Woo-sung "Mother said, Ko So-young is filming with you and why are you marrying another man?'"

Jung Woo-sung appeared on KBS2's King Sejong Institute chatter Seung-chul, which was broadcast on the 18th, and talked with philosopher Kim Yong-ok and singer Lee Seung-chul on the theme of Love.
Jung Woo-sung said, "There is a marriage, a second-year-old idea," he said. "I have a professional dream as a member of society, but I dream of becoming a good father."
“My Mother asked me if Ko So-young was filming with you and marrying another man,” said host Kim Yong-ok
Jung Woo-sung also said, "If you define love as a human being, love is to acknowledge your opponent," he said. "I say that it gives you as much distance as you love, but I do not know."
“I think I was proud to know love by using the word love often,” he added. “After listening to Kim Yong-ok’s lecture, I came to think about the deep meaning of love again.”