'Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2' Han Suk-kyu and Lee Sung-kyung and Ahn Hyo-seop, The paramedics organ donation Weapon number transplant

Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2 tearfully painted the house theater.
In SBS's Drama Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2, which aired on the 28th, a tribute was made to the dignified death of The paramedics, including Han Suk-kyu - Lee Sung-kyung - Ahn Hyo-seop, who donated organs.
In the play, Lee Sung-kyung was ordered by Han Suk-kyu to perform blood vessels so that Weapon number in his 20s, who is serving a sentence for murder, could receive dialysis. However, Weapon number did not seem to cooperate with the treatment as if there was no willingness to live.
Kim, who confirmed that The paramedics, who had been unconscious after being rescued from the drunk, were brought to the emergency room and that they were in a coma state that did not respond to the stimulus at all, said to The paramedics mother, "I am sorry. There is nothing we can do now. "
The paramedics mother, who was sobbing and hugging her daughter lying down, gave her daughter's ID card with a United Network for Organ Sharing sticker, including the cornea, brain organs, and human tissue, to Kim Sabu, and made her eat Kim Sabu and Ahn Hyo-seop.
The time difference was that when the end-stage renal failure Weapon number became inflamed and the blood vessels became difficult to insert, The paramedics and the Weapon number, which were judged to be brain-dead, were told that the blood type was the same. After the brain death of The paramedics was determined, the Brain Death Judge asked medical staff including Kim Sabu to perform a kidney transplant test for the Weapon number.
However, Seo Woo-jin, who heard this, objected to Cha Eun-jae's refutation, "Because he is a murderer who killed two people." Seo Woo-jin said, "Do you care only about the life of the recipient? She was a daughter before the United Network for Organ Sharing, The paramedics, the personality of Choi Soon-young, and not a thing to take organs off the person who needs it! "
When The paramedics' mother refused to give her daughter's organs to the Weapon number, Koda Coordinator asked Kim to persuade her guardian. But Kim said, "I will not do that. The new life of the donor is important, but it is first to respect the donor and the family's heart."
In the meantime, the Weapon number reached a deadly condition that could kill and the mother of the Weapon number was ferocious as her son deteriorated. Weapon number's mother blamed herself for telling her that Weapon number, who had been drugged to study well and then dialysis due to a wrong kidney, was severely bullied and eventually killed two people who had been bullied.
The paramedics mother said, "People called mothers do. "If my child is wrong, it seems to be my fault." "I was trying to rescue people who had difficulty in my daughter's specialty. I think I wanted to leave one of them alive on the last way. "
“We must not neglect the donor and the donor mother until the end,” Kim said. “Let’s proceed with the courtesy we can,” Kim said. All the employees of Doldam Hospital stood on both sides and made a 'way of respect' and expressed their condolences and respects to The paramedics who made the last path.
After a silent moment of death, long-term extraction began, and several organs of The paramedics were moved to save the life of the dying. Finally, the sublime sacrifice of The paramedics has left viewers blissful, with the kidneys of The paramedics being seen implanted safely to the Weapon number.
The 9th episode of Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2 will be broadcast on February 3 at 9:40 pm.
Photo = SBS ‘Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2’