Kwon Kim has released a 'Bazaar' pictorial
Kwon Kim completed a warm-hearted boyfriend picture through the December issue of Harper's Bazaar.
Currently, Kwon Kim has maintained a short hairstyle for the role of Roy Ryu of Leverage: Records of the Grand Historian Falsify'. Despite the personality of the night, it is the back door that it melted into the picture with the intense eyes and the rate of model cheeking, and it impressed the staff.
In the Interview that followed the filming, Kwon Kim said, "I want to do another good work immediately after the Leverage: Records of the Grand Historian Falsify' is over. I think the pride of participating in the well-made drama is bigger than the amount of my character or the topicality. It seems to be the driving force to make the acting true. "
As for the future goal, "Grandma Park said on YouTube, when I play hard, people who did not look at me at first will dance to the rhythm someday. I think it may be small, big, good ratings, bad audiences, or small audiences, but I do not think it is my responsibility to worry about it. I will just continue to expand my color. "
Kwon Kim's pictorials and Interviews can be found in the December issue of Harper's Bazaar.