MBC Tree Drama 'New Entrance Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung' is a historical Drama about the subjective life of women. Shin Se-kyung (Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung) and Cha Eun-woo (Daewon Daegun) continue their sweet love affair at the final meeting, but it is also related to the leading life of women that they ended up unmarried without marriage.
As for the unfamiliar ending, the production team explained, "The marriage of Korea under Japanse rulera Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung may be the beginning of another bridle (to live as a present-looking place), so it is an ending with a loved one while living a professional life as a wife () rather than a marriage."
Shin Se-kyung, whom Drama met after, was full of laughter on his face; he had a hunch that it was a satisfying character.
“A female character living in the Korean under Japan rule. Not what I knew. She had a pleasant imagination in her coat. I tried a lot to keep my stereotypes from getting caught up in it.”
Shin Se-kyung's historical Drama 'Kwon Ryong I Narsha' is much heavier and darker than Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung Shin Se-kyung said, "If 'Kwon Ryong' was a classic historical Drama, Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung' had a strong fusion historical Drama."
“In the early confusion of the end of the year in the ‘Kwon Ryong’, there was a negative response as well as a positive response to the fact that a woman with a low status did what she should say and led the situation. There is a belief that it represents a weak person, and there is also a part that is hurt by negative reaction. This time, it is a Drama that shows women independently, and I was a little worried that viewers would look at it naturally. "
As a result, Shin Se-kyung said that the basics were good because the viewers seemed to sympathize with Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung He liked the script as soon as he saw it. “For example, when the eclipse problem came out, I felt catharsis when Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung said that I should accept it as a law of nature, not go away by good. I want to look like Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung”
Shin Se-kyung frequently appears in historical Dramas such as 'Deep-rooted Tree', 'Kwon Ryong-Narsha', and 'New Entrepreneur Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung'. For a woman, she has a low tone of voice and calmness, so she fits well with historical Dramas. Still, it is a little unusual for an actress to like poetic Dramas since she was young.
“I’ve loved history since I was a child, and it’s interesting to watch the officer I’ve seen without thinking about in the old historical Drama. It was also fun that the officer was as cool as concrete, and only facts without subjective intervention. "
Shin Se-kyung was good at being with his partner, Cha Eun-woo, and Lee Ji-hoon (Min Woo-won Bonggyo), a wonderful man at work called Yemungwan, and Chemi with Kwon Ji (a training staff) of Yemungwan was the most important.
“Cha Eun-woo doesn’t know much, but he’s a bright guy. He’s been tired and steady for six months. Lee Ji-hoon met in four years after 'Kwon Ryong', and he performed a great performance. Many people will want a good relationship that can show good chemistry, not a relationship like in the play. "
Shin Se-kyung has been acting since childhood and has called all actors seniors or sisters, and as he was in his thirties, he often calls himself sister in the field. “There’s nothing that’s changed,” he said. “I’ve been doing a lot of modern meloDrama and historical Dramas, but I want to play a role with a distinct job like a lawyer.”
Shin Se-kyung is a YouTube strongman with 667,000 subscribers. YouTube content is routine. V-log diaries, dog walks, and cooking are the main contents. He said he was not sure of anything else. He edited and captioned himself.
“I was tired and dissatisfied in my mid-20s, and I think there is stability in that period. I’ve been working since I was a kid and I’ve never had a habit of expressing my troubles, but now I’m working it out. Nowadays, when you cook when you are in trouble, especially when you make bread, your mind disappears. "
seo bong-gi