iz writing Kang Myeong-seok
Lee Kwang-soo, a member of SBS's "Good Sunday" and "Running Man," told Hye-jung, a member of the girl group AOA, on May 27 that it was a "flower snake." The broadcasting review committee issued administrative guidance on this. "Even if it is a entertainment program, it should not be broadcast that may hinder gender equality, and especially when the term that hinders the dignity of the broadcasting language is repeatedly used, it can be subject to legal sanctions." When the remarks in question became controversial, Gong Hee-chul CP of Running Man said in the first half of the 2018 SBS entertainment program, "I know it is a part to be careful and I know it is a part to be careful." However, Lee Kwang-soo’s remarks do not seem to be a problem to be solved by “careful.” His problems are inseparable from the direction that “Running Man” is pursuing.
In the recently aired Body Surround & Luxury Grand Final, Lee Kwang-soo wingwalked (extreme sports flying with a fixed top of a light aircraft) as a penalty. In the process of choosing the most difficult course of the wingwalking as a penalty, a subtitle was made to tease him as "Kangson". Lee Kwang-soo plays any Game in 'Running Man' as a luckless 'Kangson' or 'Dungson'. But it is because he is in a situation where he is likely to be penalized for obstruction of other performers in various Games. The performers of Running Man interfere with him openly, and the crew makes a judgment against him if it is ambiguous. After Lee Kwang-soo becomes a lucky character, the production team makes fun of the process of repeating his bad luck. Lee Kwang-soo's remarks are an expression of injustice in the process. The more violent he is, the more poor he is. Lee Kwang-soo's rant in Running Man is part of the production team's formula for laughter.
CP Gong Hee-chul said, "There are some things that can not be helped by the character, and the members are close." It is one of the characteristics of the entertainment program that pre-consulted performers play for laughter. However, in the recent 'Running Man', the direction of the joke mainly refers to the weak like Lee Kwang-soo, and to the situation where the weak person is more provocative to draw the distressed reaction. The performers suddenly go to Thailand and play a Game of eating scorpions or frogs to avoid penalties, or they are in a situation where they have to ask for a difficult mission to entertainers on the spot. In more improvised and extreme situations, the performers' reactions become more intense, and the crew makes the most of it. The production team even aired the "flower snake" as a "fraudster." After that, Ji Seok-jin's profanity was silently treated in the "Food Trouble: One Mouth Race". In that sense, the current Running Man seems closer to the broadcasts of YouTube BJs than the real variety show. Just as some popular BJs are playing extreme Games or bets in real situations, Running Man also puts performers in real situations and draws out the actors' intense reactions with higher-level Games or penalties. It is not awkward to say that YouTube BJ broadcasts the situation where Haha and Lee Kwang-soo play Games on what menu the next guest will order at Hongdae Cafe in the episode of Age Highland. Lee Kwang-soo was also taken over by Haha's tricks.
On the 2nd, when the cast decided to ride Wing Walking, the ratings of Running Man rose for the fifth consecutive week to 8.5% (based on Nielsen Korea). The ratings of the moment Yoo Jae-seok was riding Wing Walking rose to 10.5%. Running Man's 20-49 year old ratings were the top in the same time zone, and in the June survey of Korean favorite TV programs surveyed by Gallup, it ranked seventh, up from the eighth pRace in May. In April, the company ranked 17th. The popularity of Running Man continues to rise. In terms of popularity, the choice of Jung Chul-min PD, who became the main director of Running Man since last year, was not wrong. He changed the frame of Running Man, which ends everything with a light Game, to the basis for performers to do anything. In reality shows, words and actions that may be problematic are rather mischievous in 'Running Man'.
However, PD Jung Chul-min recently said, "There is an opinion that the penalty is excessive in this project, but the staff has been on all the staff in advance, and it is a famous leisure sport in Europe. “I was busy with the day of shooting, as a leisure sport for both young and old,” he said. “Wingwalking was a high-level penalty for viewers to worry about. He could not have neglected the safety of the cast, but Running Man described Wingwalking as a penalty that the cast did not want to do most. Apart from the safety of Wingwalking, Running Man is a weighty treatment of the players in the Game, raising the level of penalties. The premise of the 'Running Man' or real variety show, which is an agreed joke of the performers, would cause controversy in the Game or the performer's words and actions in the first pRace. In this framework, Running Man, which attracts real situations and extreme penalties like YouTube broadcasts, raises the level of the program without any restrictions. Here, if you use the character of the weak position like Lee Kwang-soo as the axis of fun, more sadistic elements can be added. Lee Kwang-soo's remarks and concerns about wingwalking may be signs that the level of the Running Man has become as close as it can be seen. On YouTube, some BJs express disgust against elementary school students, but terrestrial 12-year-old viewing programs can not and should not.
But entertainment can be seen as an entertainment. It is also true that Running Man uses many elements of the real variety show and draws fun. In Body Surrey & Luxury Package, guests were joined to long-term projects to increase the number of characters that were not fixed but used in the long-term, and the Game's results were reflected in the age-high video that announces the age rating of Running Man, which makes the Game affect the reality of the performers. This is also what we saw when the Infinite Challenge was in full swing, but the more the Running Man bullies the weaker Lee Kwang-soo, the more the Running Man influences the fun of Running Man. Apart from the audience response of Running Man now, the performers of this program have lost many characters. Kim Jong Kook, who was the object of all performers in the past, is highlighted in the episode that needs power. Song Ji-hyo has been less than in the past since the appearance of Jeon So-min, and Yang Se-chan still has no character to represent him.
It may be just the result of the performers' competence and sincerity. However, most of the episodes of Running Man are centered on the weak Lee Kwang-soo and Yoo Jae-seok, who are agonizing the weak, but who actively participate in all missions. Jeon So-min endured the other performers pulling the side of the side of the side to solve the problem in Food Trouble: One Mouth Race. After that, Kim Jong Kook screamed when his hand hit the hand of other performers including Jeon So-min. Coincidentally, he is also the weakest performer in the entertainment industry, who has to make a more solid pRace through 'Running Man'. He laughs hard, and holds on to any situation in Running Man, or there is not much way for a new female performer who has not had much experience in Running Man to hold on. When Seo Eun-soo appeared as a guest in The Bandits Race, the other members tried to tie him up with Kim Jong-guk, who is 18 years old with Kim Jong-guk. He even joked that he had not seen Son Dambi on the same day, either weak, old, or hearing a "flower snake". There is no female character as strong as Song Ji-hyo in the past, and on the contrary, women emphasize the weakness of strength than men, and sometimes they say violent words and actions to women as a joke. Lee Kwang-soo also told guest Idahui, "Do you really want to get a boat?" Lee Kwang-soo will not really hit Lee Da-hee's stomach. But it is also clear that he will not be able to make such a joke easy for Kim Jong Kook, who has the strongest image in Running Man.
The weaker bullies the weaker, because it’s a joke. But the jokes get worse and the strong characters get rid of their work. Aside from ethical issues, Running Man is reducing its own cards for fun, instead engaging in increasingly high-level pranks to certain cast members and drawing public responses. As a result, from some day on, the program is used as a subject of laughter for the purpose of silent treatment. If the cast agreed, it might be okay to say that it was like a “flower snake” to the guest, but if the guest agreed, it would be okay to say that it was a good thing to say that it was a “snake” to the guest. And, can it be a joke to say that you will hit a woman 's "belly"? Is it really a joke to send a so-called 'bread' statement, which is unpleasant even if it is used in the shadows of the Internet, on terrestrial broadcasting of a 12-year-old city hall?
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