a gold piece This Mother made her ears doubt by reading the wrong Kokoro. On the afternoon of the 15th, a comprehensive channel channel A ⁇ Nowadays, my child like a gold piece has appeared in a gold piece in the sixth grade of elementary school which is in crisis due to cellphone addiction. a gold piece showed the appearance of falling into the cellphone while eating in the daily observation video. When I asked a gold piece to have breakfast, the Mother said, "The Speech is going to eat and exercise." a gold piece was silent. However, when a gold piece unexpectedly completed the Speech to go to the exercise, the Mother went to see a gold piece. At the front door, a gold piece suddenly asked the Mother for a Mask. I started to raise my voice by saying Mask. Mother said, "I do not need to use Mask these days." "Please do not listen to a gold piece." "Why do not you listen?" Then, to the Mother who calmly tries, "Give me Mask quickly." "If you do not give me, I will not go." Afterwards, he entered the house, took a seat on the sofa, and started playing the cellphone Game again. The Mother barely found the Mask, but a gold piece said, "I'm going to play ⁇ Game." "Kokoro is bad." "I did not give it to you, so I'm going to play Game." To such a gold piece, the Mother gave a sigh by throwing a word that made her doubt her ears that ⁇ a gold piece was upset. Let's say a gold piece doesn't know my Kokoro. a gold piece doesn't know her. I tried to read Kokoro of a gold piece saying that a gold piece was upset. Oh Eun Young Doctorate, who saw this, pointed out that Kokoro reading is important but wrong Kokoro reading is poisonous Kokoro reading.