'About Time' Lee Sung-kyung and Lee Sang-yoon reaffirmed each other's love with a hot kiss. But Lee Sung-kyung was surprised to find that his time was rising again.
On the 9th TVN drama "About Time", Choi Mika (Lee Sung-kyung), who finished the performance "Michelle Chen's Time Goes Upside Down", was shown to have a happy time with Lee Dooha (Lee Sang-yoon).
On this day, Bae Su-bong (Im Se-mi) tried to jump down, saying that he could not give up IDoha, but IDoha threw his whole body and saved it. Choi Mika found that Bae Su-bong's remaining life span remained for more than 54 years.
"I did not know before, but I am confident," said Jang, who came to Doha. "Music is also attractive. I will invest in my personal qualification." Cho Jae-yu (Kim Dong-joon) poured out Music for the Musical "Michelle Chen's Time Goes Upside Down (hereinafter referred to as Michelle Chen), and the cast members who were impressed by it also burned their passion. Choi Mika recalled his life span with more than 30 days left, but said, "Let's do well, Choi Mika without regret, doing his best."
Bae Su-bong told Doha, "I am a pretty and shiny person without you. I will forget all the rings I gave me, the time I spent with you." "Even if it was not love, Bae Su-bong, he was a good friend and brother to me, he was an attractive and beautiful person," Lee Doha said.
Choi Mika finished the final rehearsal of "Michelle Chen" but Actor Hye-ryun, who had been with her since her ensemble days, eventually collapsed without overcoming her body's chronic illness. I called Choi Mika, who was returning with the grass dead, quietly following her. I Doha said, "What should I do to make Choi Mika laugh? ", and Choi Mika asked me to sing.
I Doha sang softly, and Choi Mika said, 'What do I do, I want to live too much. I want to see Mr. Doha for a moment. I have a desire to live.'" I Doha said, "I love you. I love you more than yesterday, more than a minute ago, I love you, Choi Mika." Choi Mika also said, "I Doha is salvation, all hope and hope for me."
Finally, a performance of the Musical "Michelle Chen" was held; in addition to this Doha, Choi Mika's family, Oh Girls (Kim Hae-sook), and Bae Su-bong visited the scene and congratulated Choi Mika. Hye-ryun's husband and daughter also visited the scene and expressed their gratitude. The daughter said, "I had a mother on the stage." Bae Su-bong apologized, congratulating me, I hope you become a better Actor than you are.
The final performance was full, and ended in a hot heat. "Thank you for being a much more lovely and wonderful Michelle Chen than I imagined. I am the first fan of Choi Mika Actor. "Choi Mika also expressed his sincere gratitude to Cho Jae-yu.
The Doha, who appeared, grabbed Choi Mika's wrist and asked to join him. He wore a hoodie over him, tied a handkerchief to Choi Mika's wrists to keep the two men's life span watches out of sight. "Now just do what I say," said IDoha affectionately, with Choi Mika recounting 'Haruman today' and determined to send IDoha and a joyful Haru.
"Do not worry about complex thoughts, not needing, what this wine taste is, what to do at lunch, and imagine only a small and happy moment now," said Doha. Choi Mika sang shark songs and was charming; the two lay in bed together, calling each other "Mika" and "Doha"; IDoha was "happy; watching Choi Mika close. I am so happy to have you in front of me and laugh and talk, "said Choi Mika." I always did, every day was happy. "
"Do not run away, I will go to you even if I run away," said Doha. "I want to be with Choi Mika even if you live Haru, no matter how much time you take." Choi Mika said, "I know this Haru is too good for me, but I do not want to eat your time for a minute." "Just Haru can only greed for two moments today."
When he woke up in the morning, Choi was surprised to find that his time was being charged, because it meant he was taking away the time of Doha.
On the other hand, Choi Wi-jin (Kim Roon) who is about to interview for the job went to Jeon Sung-hee (Han Seung-yeon). Choi Wi-jin said, "You never said no to me. I want to go out with you, but because of your sister, I can not be a white man. I will be a worker. " Jeon Sung-hee, who was embarrassed, left, but then cheered Choi, sending a message saying, "Please keep your promise to be interviewed.