Lawless Lawyer' Lee Joon-gi, reunited with Time Between Dog and Wolf' director...Will life be renewed?
Actor Lee Joon-gi, who created life and life characters with 'The Time of Dogs and Wolves', once again challenges life characters. Time Between Dog and Wolf' Kim Jin-min will be reunited in 11 years and will return to Lawless Lawyer'. At 2 p.m. on the 8th, a production presentation of tvN Lawless Lawyer (playplayed by Yoon Hyun-ho and directed by Kim Jin-min) was held at Amoris Hall in Times Square, Yeongdeungpo, Seoul. Lee Joon-gi Seo Ye-ji Lee Hye-Yeong Choi Min-soo Kim Jin-min attended. "Lawless Lawyer" is a work that depicts the act of a grand evil law lawyer who is a fist instead of law, who is fighting against absolute power with his life and growing up as a true Lawless Lawyer. Kim Jin-min, director of Time Between Dog and Wolf', and Lee Joon-gi, who have been reunited in 11 years, are gathering topics. Lee Joon-gi plays the role of Bong Sang-pil, a lawyer from 'Tribal' who combines law and fist. Lee Joon-gi is highly anticipated as a Lawless Lawyer who will freely cross the boundaries between law and lawlessness and will make his own argument. Kim Jin-min said, "It is a dream casting," including Lee Joon-gi, and Seo Ye-ji Choi Min-soo Lee Hye-Yeong. "Actors who are hard to catch, Lee Joon-gi Seo Ye-ji gave this drama Choices in Choices. I started with a case, but I bloomed. "Lee Joon-gi said," Thank you for your visit for a long time. I thought it would be a work that would break manners, "he said, expressing deep confidence in Kim Jin-min's work. As for his breathing with Seo Ye-ji, he said, "Even though I would have been uncomfortable as an Actor, I made it my own while laughing. Director Kim Jin-min said, "I was very passionate when I was Time Between Dog and Wolf', but the attitude and enthusiasm remain unchanged. He was more flexible than he was then, and he knew how to listen to others and digest them in his own way. I thought there was a reason for going long while watching the staff and other Actors in the field. "Kim said," I am glad that I can work together. I hope to be an Actor who runs longer through Time Between Dog and Wolf'. "