"100 million a month" "100 times the monthly rent"...Copyright free Certification of rich people's earnings

Copyright free profits of artists who are loved in the global music market beyond Korea are gathering attention. JYP Entertainment CCO J. Y. Park and Hive Speaker Bang Si-Hyuk, who appeared on TVN entertainment program 'Yu Quiz on the Block' broadcasted last day, released their first copyrighted song. J. Y. Park said, "Unconditionally, it is the most recent song." ' (What Is Love) and 'Feel Special' (Phil Special) are the songs of the filial piety. J. Y. Park said, "The units are different. "I used to talk to (Bang) Si-hyuk about 'billions of dollars if you hit just one song in the U.S.,' but that's what really happens." He didn't say the exact amount, but it's clear that it's hundreds of millions of dollars. On the other hand, Bang Si-Hyuk, who owns Forbes estimated assets of 3.854 trillion won, boasted a different class, saying, "I'm sorry, I really don't know. I've never considered it." Currently, the Hive market capitalization is 10.1839 trillion won. In February, Kim Min-suk of MeloMance said, "My parents manage my income. I receive 5 million won in pocket money per month. Copyright free is only three times the pocket money when it is not the best. " Kim Tae-won of the band resurrection also revealed a huge Copyright free. Kim Tae-won, who appeared on JTBC's entertainment show "Woongdangpo" in July, confessed while talking about Copyright free, "The song that gave me the most money is 'Never Ending Story.' It was over 100 million won a month." In addition, An Yeon Eun appeared in MBC Everlon entertainment program "Video Star" in July 2020, "Copyright free is about the salary of a large company manager." He earned about 100 million won a year as Copyright free. That's why I pay a lot of taxes," he said.