Seo Jang-hoon rang Lim Young-woong cheering ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ Shin Ji Long, Lim Young-woong ⁇ ⁇ (My Little Old Boy)

Seo Jang-hoon asked Lim Young-woong for a Video letter for mother-in-law and showed tears. Singer Lim Young-woong appeared on SBS ⁇ My Little Old Boy ⁇ broadcast on October 8th. On this day, Seo Jang-hoon appeared in Lim Young-woong, and many elderly people do not have much luck. Listening to Lim Young-woong song, it is effective to spend a day, to be comforted, to feel better and to improve health. My mother is sick Shin Ji Even though it has been so long, she only plays Lim Young-woong songs. "It's too hard and I'm comforted by Lim Young-woong songs." After Kim Jun-ho watched a video of her lover Kim Ji-min picking up a score with Lee Yeon-bok Chef's dish, Seo Jang-hoon said, "Last time Kim Ji-min's mother liked Lim Young-woong, Kim Jun-ho went to Lim Young-woong cosplay and mentioned Kim Ji-min mother-in-law. Shin Dong-yup asked Kim Ji-min mother-in-law for a Video letter, and Lim Young-woong sent a Video letter to Kim Ji-min mother-in-law asking Kim Jun-ho to do well. Seo Jang-hoon said, "My mother knows me well and I do not talk to anyone like this." I asked my mother-in-law for a Video letter, saying that she was Kim Jung-hee Ada Lovelace at home. When Shin Dong-yup added, ⁇ a pleasant difference, Seo Jang-hoon blushed. Lim Young-woong said, "We, Kim Jung-hee, Ada Lovelace!" I would like to have a pleasant difference and take it directly to my concert hall. I will see you at the concert hall with a pleasant difference. "With Jang Hoon Lee." I sent a Video letter saying "Good health," and Seo Jang-hoon bowed his head and thanked him. If you are just fine, I am a person who does not ask me to do this.